What’s a question you’ve always wanted a dev to answer?

Probably inside the armor. The Blackwatch was basically just some kind of prototype. Besides it wouldn’t be “smart” to leave half of the body vulnerable while the other half is protected by cybernetic stuff especially when the more vulnerable body parts are actually the last human body parts of him

Can we get a Lucio/Sym Lore segment?

Also, why did it take 6 months to realize that Doomfist was in a bad spot?

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Why after 2 years is the practice range still terrible?


Why is there also not a better tutorial yet.

Why do we not have a group finder?

His scatter is not broken. If you are good, you jump when you think he’s about to use it. Works for me. I didn’t even realise it was a problem until recently

that’s a funny one nearly got me there, i can’t tell you how many times a hanzo has scattered the ground, and there i am as pharah (i barely play pharah so this should show how stupid scatter is) at my full height, still getting one shot by that scatter arrow that was randomly shot in the middle of the objective.

What’s their favorite Overwatch meme? Dad: 76, Gremlin D.va/Sombra, Justice rains from- AUUGHHH, etc. There’s plenty to choose from.

This and also when are their birthdays?

Why they dont put another server on latin america ? we having connecting issues right now with the server in Brazil…and they are so silent about it? a simply NO can solve alot of problems.

Is the Devs Seriously going to consider a guild/clan system or LFG system. Or even acknowledged the amount of people wanting a in game solution to the RNG nature of the matchmaker in both QP/comp.

Can Reinhardt ride Orisa into battle?


When are we going to hear anything about the Torb rework?

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pineapple on pizza, as stated by jeff kaplan himself

Um isn’t that her job? As a damage category hero…her job is to do damage and kill stuff. Am I missing something? Are damage heroes not supposed to attack tanks?:thinking:

He’s already confirmed Australian

Can we have a schedule for when new lore, comics and animated shorts/stories will be released? Or will it just be a surprise when it arrives?

if you could be unfiltered and not PC what would you say about the community

I’d like to know who the lead designer of Brigitte is, and if they’re still working at Blizzard. If so, why?

I wanna know if they’ll ever relax their stance on the female body, they’re so uptight and G-rated compared to other games. Removing tracer’s over the shoulder pose…virtually every butt or bikini skin has SOME sort of covering over the character’s backside (bikini widow has a sarong wrap, scuba sombra has a opaque skirt thing, that track and field tracer has a flag over hers etc Not to mention no jello physics besides Hog’s belly, and female heroes who literally only ever show their face as the only skin on display (pharah mei etc)

Other contemporary games are way more lax and actually give some fanservice on this stuff, Paladins is a prime example. Overwatch is T for teen right? So why do they insist on being squeaky sunday morning church clean when it comes to sexuality?