What Rank Do You Think You Should Be?

This is directed at everyone insistent that: leavers, smurfs, throwers, trolls, etc are why they are trapped in “Elo Hell” ie where they reside. I’m genuinely curious how much higher you see yourself. Because obviously GMs aren’t trapped in Platinum nor Golds in Bronze and so on. How much more SR do you think you deserve? Perception is a funny thing after all.

Frankly I’m like 2100 atm and I see myself as 2100 plus or minus 100 atm ie low to entering mid gold. They say about 200-250 SR is where the real tactics of that rank start as below that is highs of the former rank on lucky streaks. And I’m on that cusp and know that’s where I currently belong.

How bout the rest of you?


Depends on the hero.

My genji sits at 3.1-3.2 for a few seasons.

My tracer/widow was like 3k, but right now im injured and cant aim so… low to mid plat? At low gold i can carry very hard with either.

My brigitte play is… ermm… what you would expect from a dps player. Currently mid plat, but i think i can climb a bit more (that requires actually playing on this account so…)

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Some people get a huge lose streak, putting them from plat to silver for example, but your true rank is the rank where you can always climb back to.

In my case, I’m hardstuck at diamond, I was low diamond since S2, and the most I can go is high mid diamond. Occasionally, there will be time I got put back in plat, but I can always climb back from the lose streak.


I know that feeling. If playing tilted/tired I’ll drop to at worst 1850 but climb back to this settling point. Diamond is pretty dang impressive regardless! Hopefully you can find that next level shortly.


Everyone has a point where you just win unless you throw. At -1K from my SR i can pretty much hard carry on any hero, except the ones i never play and don’t know how to. Then im only “much better” than the correctly ranked people.

Yeah, it gets crazy seeing the changes as the ladder goes up or down. I’d have to try to lose in silver if I somehow dropped that hard unimaginably. If I queue with old, Bronze friends that’s another story but we reach our highs and lows with them rather rigid and defined tbh. That is if we find our current level and maintain it for a bit.

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I used to be in low-mid diamond for a few seasons, so I would say around there. Currently though, I’m around 2500 and all of my winrates with heroes I usually have 55-70% are super low.

Plus I have an alt account to see where I would actually have been placed, and it’s 2900.

3700 i am 3340 Brigitte happened reaper power creep happened i keep reaching 3500 solo and then back to diamond.

Then it looks like you’ve adjusted to the changes and hopefully his changes will aid you too with the tighter spread and less variation to the pellets. Diamond is great lol.

every time you complain about teammates not deserving the rank they have, this can only benefit you. Because there are 6 of those randoms on the enemy team and only 5 on yours.

If you think there are too many enemy players that are smurfs, this could be a problem. But everyone is subject to the same wrath. So maybe it equals out?? I personally think you should be able to reduce your SR with a click of a button. GMs have the right, neigh! The duty, to pwn noobz. (This is how we can make smurfing right in our own minds.)

So while I don’t think smurfs and throwers play a big part in my SR, I’d still like to chime in.

I’m in my late 30s, I’m not a dumby and I have a job…

I CANNOT BELIEVE!!! I am lower than the average player!! I hover around 1800 and the average and or median is around 2200 I think.

I can’t believe I’m worse than the average player. But I do trust the SR system wholeheartedly. So I just got to git gud :slight_smile:

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You’ll get there. I was there and am now at that median. Just keep working at it and improving and it will come!

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Silver. I am in silver and I still wanna climb but I belong in silver and I gotta improve myself and maybe I will make it to gold


You have the right attitude. It will happen. Just gotta keep improving and you can.

If there was a rank below bronze I belong there…I suck at fps’s

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I don’t believe in ELO hell. If I lose it just means I was missing something that was important or I didn’t pick the hero I had to pick for that situation

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Well… at that low I can decinitely give some good advice.

Play the objective. Find someone near it and even if silent just buddy with em in the game. Shoot who they shoot and all. Most bronze games are fixed by approaching the objective and rudimentary focus fire. Playing an independent hero will help a ton too. Soldier, Moira, Roadhog, etc are great choices. I was stuck in the 800s once so I know the pain. But I also know you can escape it and rise above.

First off…me being in Gold has absolutely NOTHING to do with my skill level. I have climbed repeatedly into the 2350-2400+ areas and even been a mere 5-10 SR away from Platinum rank. That has happened at least half a dozen times since Season 4. I will climb to 2490+ or so and need only 1 MORE WIN…then guess what…I get leavers, trolls, griefers and toxic people who ruin a good win streak when I could have won that last match and earned myself Platinum. So now because of that, it sets a new trend where I now get a loss streak and dip back to 2200-2300 then I have to claw my way back up to 2450+ over the next few days. .

On a WIN streak, the SR/MMR system places you with people on loss streaks or that play poorly because Blizzard in their infinite wisdom thinks that placing bad players with some of the good players simply for the sake of getting a 50/50 match up. That is exactly the problem.

I am not saying that I am a GM, but I should at the vert LEAST be mid-high platinum, maybe even low Diamond. After so many seasons of a roller coaster ride through Gold I definitely deserve at least Platinum or Diamond.

The biggest part of the problem is how the system places players in a match. It needs to change so people aren’t handicapped by the trolls, one tricks and stubboirn players who refuse to switch off their favorite hero when they are getting focused.

I have a few questions:
1: Do you genuinely believe that the matchmaker has identified said cheaters and not disposed of them?
2: Why do you think Blizzard wants you lower? You seem anoyed at it so it seems counterproductive. They would want happy customers surely.
3: There is no forced 50/50. If you earn/lose similar SR then you’ll remain where you win/lose 50/50. If you won more you’d climb; if you lost you’d drop. Why do you think this isn’t the case but instead a conspiratorial system of rigged matchmaking?

Also, No Diamond I know drops to Gold. You might be heaviy inflated in your mind. But thank you for your honesty.


2600 Range. Trouble is that my SR swings so hard at the beginning and end of each season. I should just avoid the first two weeks and the last two weeks of every season, but I get bored.

One thing I can see from your profile Kristal, is that you play a lot of Ana, and despite a 60% winrate, your accuracy is only 20%.

I am in mid-high Gold. Most of my weapon accuracy is 40% or higher for my most played heros. So your aim might be part of the issue.