What Rank Do You Think You Should Be?

Please read this guys post…to the end…and then tell me that Elo Hell doesn’t exist.

Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Overwatch - #25 by Oldphardt-2154

That post is utterly preposterous and disproven bollucks. It’s absolutely made of salt and delusion. Now if you care to rebut a single point of mine that’s based in reality I’ll gladly listen but conspiracies are a waste of everyone’s time.


Hi there! My main is diamond. I don’t know a single diamond player that can’t rank up to plat+ easily.


You ONLY Play Brigitte.

You circumvent the MMR/SR system by one tricking in a game where teamwork is essential.

You have woin 24 games at a 64% winrate.

I maintain a 55%+ winrate all season on most of the heros I play.

And since you feel that you can simply disprove an intelligent and well written post with a statement like “utterly preposterous and disproven bollucks” I shall no longer be addressing your replys. If you can’t disprove someone with an actual argument without sounding like a troll then don’t bother being part of the conversation. That’s just as bad as someone complaining about politics and yet they don’t go out and vote.

You have a nice day.

Reply with your main account so we can see it then.

Based on last season, I got to 3772, but I really think I should be in low-Diamond. Got way too lucky for my own good on two separate occasions where most throwers/trolls/griefers were on the enemy team. If there was a leaderboard on how fast players can gain 500-800 SR in a span of 5 hours, I’d be on the top 10 at the Diamond to Master part of the leader board.

How do I know I don’t deserve to be in Masters at all? With that long and grueling losing streak I had where I just kept losing because I wasn’t good enough was sufficient evidence or a wake up call that I’m not as good as I think I am and I needed to get better. Good thing I didn’t derank below Diamond…

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It’s been done. I’ve read the thread. It’s at anti-vaxer levels of denial. There is no forced 50/50 and in an earlier reply I explained why winrates are 50/50 based on it being where one belongs as they win/lose roughly equally.


Banned until 11/18. Sorry.

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Well, lets examine things a little further shall me.

I always get 30-40 elims and roughly 13k-23k+ damage per match. Depends on the map and the hero I choose for the team comp. I mostly play Junkrat, McCree, Hanzo and other DPS to counter etc but I also tend to flex to other roles/heros when needed. I usually fill and play heals and tanks too on maps I feel comfortable tanking on.

Again, the problem isn’t my skill level. Its when I get placed with people who are not skilled and their ineptitude costs us the match because they are either actively griefing/throwing, playing insanely poorly, or they leave mid match and force us into a loss.

Like I said, I am not a GM or Master. I could definitely find a place in Plat for sure and maybe make my way to Diamond soon after if I can break through after hitting 2495 and winning that ONE match more.

I have consistently proven that I can climb. It falls on that 6th player who makes or breaks that last victory.

Im currently flat 4k, I think if I work harder I could stay in 4.1 - 2 if I put more time into the game and maintain a schedule where I can play.

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I feel I should at least be silver. Being stuck in bronze forever. I’ve gotten to the point I do my placements and can it a season.

You’ve proven it by never achieving it? That’s new logic. Just because your stats are good doesn’t mean they’re adequate. When and where is the damage? How good are your pushes? What are your flaws? How are you working at them? Do you magically think an icon change with games 25-30 SR higher will suddenly make your teammates amazing? It won’t btw. Do you really think your teammates think otherwise about all their teammates? Focusing on the uncontrollable is scapegoating for your ego and probably the number 1 reason you cannot climb.


Belong in diamond. Move between 2800 and 2950 the last two seasons. Just have to play comp more to reach it. I mostly play with mid diamond friends so I end up in mostly diamond games anyway and have no issues or struggles.

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And from now on this is trolling.

“You’ve proven it by never achieving it?”

“Just because your stats are good does not mean they are adequate.”

The damage is ON point, at the healers, and shields as Junkrat and Hanzo. Supressing enemy movement and defending my own healers.

Breaking into Plat will by a good 20SR will definitely make some difference when I am paired with fewer and fewer incompetent players because the queue pool is drastically smaller than in Gold.

This isn’t about ego. Its the simple fact that we all get placed with people that are lesws skilled than we are while on a win streak.

The devs need to tighten the pool range down to 250SR +/- instead of a queue pool from a span of 1000 +/- especially when it comes to boosted groups with low Plat players pulling high silvers into high gold matches.

Literally every single post in this entire thread is created by people with multiple alt accounts, who smurf, leave, and/or throw. Perception is reality I guess.

there is LITERALLY no difference between 2.4 and 2.6…

I only have 1 account. Started this one after my first account was hacked and couldn’t be recovered.

This is my only one and I never do any of those. Try again?

I should be in maybe plat, I am gold now.