I report so many people

As a rein main I often get gold Elims and sometimes even damage. I’m still trash though…

Believe it or not, there are people who make wild assumptions about someones mechanical skills when they have never played with or see them playing. Have fun with your false assumptions. Literally everything I have said in my responses has to do with other people making bad decisions and feeding, game sense and coordination. if you are gonna sit there and basically call me a liar I have nothing more to say to you.

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I’m basically saying you’re overestimating yourself.

Then it is obvious that play your rein too aggressively and your DPS/Heals die as a result of that overaggressive play style. Bad tanks and bad heals are seldom in the same group together. One or the other is plausible, both is not.

No actually I am not. Saying that I should be Plat instead of Gold is very reaslitic because I possess the mechanical skills and the player statistics to achieve that rank, asa proven by repeatedly getting to 2450+ and then getting a bunch of leavers, trolls and griefers at the worst possible times…

A Bronze who thinks they should be Diamond or above is a gross overestimation.

MySysbit. Here is that original reply I made to the “What rank do you think you should be” thread the other day. I NEVER said I should be GM. Do not misquote me.

Yet you are saying you deserve better so it’s all the same. You’re not plat. Your accuracies against golds is not comparable to a GM’s accuracy. You’rexsaying cuz you excel apparentky in 5th grade despite your tests disagreeing that you should be in high school. It doesn’t work like that…

I am not overeaching on what I deserve and thats the difference. Plat and Diamond ARE realistic goals. End of story.

They are. And I have those aspirations too. But the proof is in the pudding and me wanting that rank does not mean I am due it. When I play like a plat I’ll be a plat. It’s as simple as that.

Its FUNNY that you used a school test analogy because SOMETIMES teachers are so inept at TEACHING that they can’t create proper test curriculum.

A lot of schools sent copies of tests back to parents and even THEY were confused by some of the questions on reading and writing tests for 5th grade chilren.

Learning isn’t always a problem with the student. More often its the poor educational skills of the TEACHER that play a larger part in a students development and THATS why more and more parents choose to home school their kids.

Please work on using better analogies in the future.

I can guarantee that if I played with you, I could tell you EXACTLY whats keeping you from getting better at your hero.

And by extension, you don’t know my skill either because you haven;t had the pleasure of being my teammate. At this point, I don’t even think I’d be inclined to do so with your attitude and sense of complete stagnation.

It’s a very apt analogy. I have multiple teachers in my family. It’s nearly never the teachers fault. It’s usually the parents who expect schools to be part daycare and entire education with zero input from said parents and zero reinforcement of curricula. Maybe in your part but where I live our test scores compete with China and the rest of the top performers. It’s a very apt comparison. You’re flunking the test so you claim it’s rigged when it’s been reviewed time and time again by numerous different authorities to be fair.

And the skill comment. I’m not defeatist. I’m continually growing. I just don’t lie to myself that I’m better than I am. If you only want others with inflated egos harping about how unfair meritocracy is then I am not sure we’d match up well anyway.

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Honestly, a Gold that is saying he/she should be in Plat but has been stuck in Gold is still a gross overestimation of skill… even if the skill disparity within Bronze to Plat are wide and inconsistent.

Only…“nearly never” still means that it happens. And you have multiple teachers in the family. Those few people cannot speak to the experiences of all other teacher, students and parents of children in every classroom around the country.

That is also funny because with all the changes that have been made to many schools and the “performance based salary” cuts they make it had BETTER not be the teachers fault for grade slippage!!! Because children are ALWAYS good learners and every teachers methods work for EVERY little boy and girl they ever see. Wrong. Not every public classroom is ideal for the needs of every child. Thinking that a teacher is almost NEVER at fault for how well a child learns is a complete fallacy.

nope not as long as the report system stays automated

The fact that I have climbed to 2496 half a dozen times proves OTHERWISE. Denying THAT fact is where your argument fails miserably. I have been ROBBED of Plat far too many times due to leavers and griefers who leave our team at a complete disadvantage DESPITE being “fairly matched”

Are there bad teachers? Sure. Are there bad students? Way more of these. But now you’re just trying to derail the thread rather than answer a simple question that would show you contradict yourself. I wonder why you’re dodging it… hmmmm…

And your proof is where exactly? The anecdotal evidence of a few family members? Please.

Segwaying into related game topics is NOT derailment.

Go ahead and repeat your question.

Look, as much as I’m one to hate trolls/throwers/griefers and rage quitters/leavers the most, you must have at a number of times just let your ego get the best of you when hitting that close to an SR range and not getting over it is just… come on… if you’re as good as you think you are, even with how the game’s been designed since day 1, you should be able to go through that. But you aren’t, then that means you’re where you’re at and you need to review yourself even more.

Running in alone vs a full team over and over and feeding is called soft throwing. My team mates do it, enemy players do it and 99% of the time, those people feed and die fast. …then they do it again. Do it once, shame on you, do it twice, c’mon man, we asked you to stop, do it three times, I’m reporting you, not cool, you’re ruining the game for everyone else on your team, how did you get carried to where you are?

I’m gold, been gold forever. Maybe I deserve plat, maybe I deserve silver, maybe gold is just right. All I know is that any game with soft throwers (which is most of them) is not all that much fun.