What people need to understand is

Well, i don’t know what to tell you then, i guess they are bad game designers lol, i mean if it is that obvious and they can’t see it then that must be the case.

Moira and Ana outheal her. I think you meant to say her healing is the most consistent out of the supports but then again, I personally think this is the case because the other supports are supposed to damage as well whereas Mercy’s only job is to heal and dmg boost.


Yes, I am sure. Her healing has never been a problem. Her short-term/burst healing is worse than both of the other main healers’. That’s supposed to be her role, consistent single target healing at the cost of no burst healing or AoE healing, while the other healers have better burst healing that doesn’t last as long. Now her healing is literally the same as Moira’s leftover healing after she’s stopped spraying, except Moira’s can hit multiple people.

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Sure mate. I was there when they were spamming their #RevertMercy and calling her dead and what not after some of their reworks.

I’ve been around for long enough to know that Mercy mains are the most annoying fanbase in this game.

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Painful but true… I actually stopped playing Mercy because she is so incredibly boring right now.

I want a fun Mercy experience again.


its going to take a full overhaul of the hero from ground up.

This means a lot.

I didn’t ask for this. We didn’t ask for it. They kind of…did it on their own despite feedback from us. Whether that’s good or bad, it remains to be seen. However, developers and their communities should be close, even if balance suffers for playerbase enjoyment. (In my opinion, alright? I’m not trying to make enemies.)

I don’t even know why I still play. I heal because I enjoy it. That’s why. Regardless of the changes, healing is what I feel I excel at.

I’m fine with minimal balance changes, UI improvements, AI stuff, but full on reworks and other changes? No thanks.

All this being said, it is still their game. If they want to balance it how they see fit, that’s fine by me. Just know I won’t like the changes if they stay sudden, unpredictable, and overhauls.


Well i don’t know what to tell you then, if you are so sure about it then keep telling them and hope that they will listen.

Some of us also played Symmetra, and I have tried to voice my concern, but you’ll have to understand that after the Mercy treatment I’m well aware of how futile it is. I’ve just had to bitterly accept that Symmetra isn’t a hero for me anymore and move on.

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Me too, and it’ll probably be another unfortunate not-serious skin. I just want a serious D.Va skin lol

She’s just about everything. You have to peel for supports, you have to disrupt snipers, you have to supplement damage and your main tank’s shielding, you have to eat ults, you have to dive if applicable. While her boosters enable such an eclectic playstyle, she’s a bunch of weak things combined into one meta thing. Her headbox is oversized, she’s easily staggered, she melts bc of how big she is, she does tickle damage unless she’s on top of someone… It’s just weird. And her ult is mostly used for getting a new mech–something that doesn’t feel ult-y.

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You just said someone deserves hate because of a character they play.

Think about that for a second. Nobody here on these forums deserve hate.

The lack of maturity in such a statement is staggering.


But there is no way to really counter Mercy in a sense that she was able to stand behind a wall or around corners and push Q.

Whereas McCree has the chance to be killed or stunned in that 1 second (Which I refer it as a casting time) it takes to lock onto an enemy. IE. Counter play without the need for another ultimate.

The video depicts players not using game sense after recovery. Where high tier players would’ve dove bastion and he would’ve died. Rather the video depicts player skill rather than counter-play.

Counter-play would be Mercy is in a channel and players have a chance to react to it happening. Therefore that would be counter-play without the need for an ultimate.

I still really think my idea would be the best way to balance out Mercy’s Resurrect while introducing a mid fight tool that would help Mercy players during a fight.


Uh, actually a good chunk of us knew she would be brokenly overpowered. Guess what? We were right!

As Rich said earlier - you need to sift through the mud to get to the gems. There are some really good ideas, you’re just refusing to acknowledge them.

As macster linked a post above, this was the deadeye-esque idea I was mentioning.

And even if we want mass rez to come back, we all agree instant cast with invuln was a godawful idea.


They think it’s comparable to Mercy players wanting change for their hero, even going as far as to generalize the playerbase.

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Um. What? I think you’re misinterpreting my disappointment over being flamed for maining her, as like, a request to be put on a pedestal.

I just want to play the game without having to justify my main and rank to people, which I can do to a degree now that private profiles are a thing and I can flex without being screeched at by salty jerks in comp. It’s amazing. Noone even knows I don’t main tank when they can’t tear me down for playing “no skill heals”

I don’t want special treatment for being a support main, just to be left the heck alone about it.

the whole tone of your reply is really disheartening to be honest, especially when you’re putting words in my mouth.

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time to comment in this massive thread to get lost lol.

As an Old(er) Hog Main. I played him every change. I wasn’t until recently, that forced me until a hyper flex player. Now, I’m not saying I played only him, but he was one of my favorites.

I can’t remember what patch it was, but I felt like the mercy where you could kill her mid full team rez was the most balanced. Full team rez, didnt bother me but, being able to stop her within that second felt great. As an Hog main, I had to land that hook perfect or it was over. It got me (via Master OW when it was accurate) in the top ~10% hook accuracy tier.

Not to mention she had no LoS checks at the time. Being able to use a game changing move behind a wall was ridiculous, for any character for that matter.

Once they added the invulnerably. I fell like the game just went down hill.


If I’m being completely honest, this thread is something that we should have already understood as a community, MONTHS ago.

I for one never wanted this mercy rework, and we still can’t get anything from blizzard on fixing the problem with it. We can’t ask for a revert because they’ll just say no and that they have no intentions anymore of reverting it EVEN THOUGH THEY SAY THEY WOULD IF NEEDED.

I’m sure I speak for everyone here when I say that we are tired of valkyrie mercy, but I can’t be sure that I speak for any amount of people on saying that it should be reverted to mass res and worked with to balance from there.

I don’t think it even needs to be discussed, just how fed up we are with the imbalance present in the game. Mercy is but a single example of the obscene amount of issues present. #FixTheGameBlizz


Remember when she used to be able to resurrect the whole team and get away? Now you cant even resurrect one person. They might as well replace that ability with something like… hey what the hell, just copy lucios “double effect” buff and make her staff do double effect for 3 seconds, since you’re probably planning on nerfing its healing and damage anyways.

Glad my idea is still poppin I think it’s the best one that I’ve come up with so far that caters to everyone’s needs/wants! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I love you for making this post. It literally describes everything I needed to. But I’m not good enough at speaking what’s on my mind, I try though.

Again thank you much~~ FrostyOwl :heart: