What people need to understand is

I’m not asking them to always do what I want them to. I’m asking them to give literally any indication that they’re listening to us, to consider our feedback, and to communicate better than just “we decided she needs a nerf (despite the only other thing we’ve said to you was that she didn’t need changes), so we’re slapping on a nerf that doesn’t fix anything despite thousands of people saying it doesn’t fix anything”.


Also agree with this one. D.Va is like… the ultimate frankenstein’s monster. Does anyone know what her true role is? I remember lots of people saying she doesn’t have a clear purpose in this game anymore, but I’m no D.Va expert so I mean…

To me, she seems like a DPS with a huge hitbox as opposed to a tank. But that’s just me.


If anything, the possible viability of other healers will make a bigger difference than the -10 HPS nerf. If other healers got no changes and it was just the Mercy nerf, I strongly believe nothing would change.



Mercy is intended to be able to consistently pump out more healing than any other healer over the course of a match. While this is currently true, the difference in healing is so significant that it makes it very difficult for other healers to compete with her for a spot on a team. Reducing her healing output will close this gap a little, but she will still maintain her status as the go-to pick for raw healing power. We’ll keep an eye on her to make sure she is still a strong pick.

This is what they said in the post. it explains why they are making the nerf, it’s very straightforward, she is outhealing the others by a lot which is why she is a must pick, that needs to change. You say that “it doesn’t fix anything” but that is simply not true, there is an issue, a real issue with Mercy, and they are trying to address that with this nerf. If you or other people disagree you are welcome to express that but like i’ve been saying, there are also a lot of people who agree with the nerf and you need to take that into consideration and be mature about it instead of accusing them of not listening, they do, they just have to listen to A LOT of people and A LOT of opinions, and they have to make a decision and that decision will not make everyone happy, that’s about it. Also they mention that they will keep an eye on her so that she doesn’t become underpowered, i mean honestly, what more do you want, i don’t get it.

She never had a clear purpose; her purpose is that she never has one :stuck_out_tongue:
Like, yeah, she’s meta or whatever. I like playing D.Va. She’s my best hero.

But there’s something that just feels lazy about how they just SLAPPED projectile rockets onto her, esp compared to other hero changes. D.Va 6.5 yall. 6.5. I counted.
Blizz has always been sort of lazy with her tho. No event skins in over a year. No lore (lore retcon). No character or map associations. Her 450$ statue has coloring errors. Two of her legendary skins–Black Cat and Palanquin–are lowkey mad lazy. It’s like they have a grudge because she’s hard to code.


Good post. I disagree though, I don’t think mercy mains have a right to cry about “mercy hate” when theres a hero in the game called “Symmetra” and another one called “Torbjorn” and if you wanna see hate, try maining one of these guys. Or both.

I don’t think mercies have ever had a problem with getting banned from this game for playing the hero that they enjoy and are good with.

Look, don’t misunderstand my reply to your thread. I’m not griping at you guys who play mercy or anything and I’m not trying to start a stupid argument either. I’m just pointing out that you claim something that isn’t true. These mercy threads blow up into 100,000 replies overnight, it would have been nice if some of you mercy people could have helped voice for Symmetra when she needed a louder voice. Just because there’s not many people who mained her, didn’t mean she was bad. She was much better at 2.0 than she is now, or probably ever will be again. Now that she’s 3.0, her pick rate hasn’t increased at all. It did briefly only because she was new. She’s truly a troll pick now.

Also, I’m not trying to hijack this thread and make it about Symmetra either. Just again, you claim that people hate you for playing mercy… I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone say “don’t play mercy.” before. Not once, ever. I’ve also never seen someone play mercy and a teammate tries to rally every player in the entire game to report that mercy for gameplay sabotage, to get them banned from the game, just because they don’t like your hero choice.

I liked your OP btw, it’s a good post.

It has been a mercy more than once who tried to rally the entire game to report me and get me banned, for playing Symmetra before, though. So consider me salty when you say “mercy hate”.

Isn’t she an off tank and a dive tank, i think is very clear, could be wrong though, not a dva player, but what would be the reasoning of her not being that?

Interesting post. I agree that the devs and stuff have been super lazy with her - want an honest opinion? She genuinely feels like walking waifu bait. She has no character (for the most part) and it’s terrible.

I’m praying she gets a decent skin this summer games - she honestly deserves it. And a comic, or a short. Same page, dude. No idea why she’s ignored so much.


Isn’t Resurrect and her AoE heals when in Valkyrie what make her a must pick? Let’s not forget that her heals have been 60HP per second well before her rework. Though this was the case, Ana, Lúcio and Zen were considered better.


I wouldn’t know - ask darthwinston, I don’t have enough expertise with her.

But that’s not why she’s a must-pick. Hundreds of people are telling her that that’s not why she’s a must-pick and they’re not listening. Her healing has never been a problem, rez has. It makes no sense to change something that’s not a problem over the thing that very observably is.

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Yeah I stopped playing 3 months ago. Playing this game was actually making me unhappy.

I pop by the forums once in a while to see if anything’s changed.
Seems like its business as usual. Devs ignoring players and players fighting amongst themselves because the devs have no clue what they’re doing and refuse feedback.

To all you still sticking around… good luck, I bet you’ll need it.


I guess this is a matter of opinion, and you mentioned the AoE heals, the nerf to her healing output will deal with that, as for Rez i don’t know if that is what makes her the must pick or not for sure, but in any case a lot of people feel like Mercy is too strong and needs some work done and Blizzard decided that this wa the way to go for now, we don’t know what is going to happen, it might work, it might not work, and whatever happens Blizzard will keep working on it. If anything what bothers ME is how slow they work on stuff, but i do defend them on listening to feedback because well, they do.

They deserve all the hate in the world. :slight_smile:

Not necessarily. The problem with AoE heals is that it completely contradicts the existence of Mercy. Blizzard have already, previously stated that Mercy is a solo target healer.

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No, removing valkyrie would deal with that. You don’t fix a problem by messing with something that’s not broken. She’s supposed to be good at single target healing and bad at AoE healing. You don’t fix that by making her worse at single target healing.


Are you sure about that? Regardless of what makes her a must pick, her healing output is way better than the other supports and the nerf to her healing output is meant to literally balance that issue. Whether or not they do something about Rez remains to be seen.

If this is really the case i don’t know what to tell you i mean, i disagree, but if you really believe that they are just ignoring you, why are you wasting your time then, not trying to be rude, is just that if i know that someone that i’m trying to get attention from is just ignoring me i would just do the same and move on.

Very constructive…

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Just like how their “revert mercy” spams were very constructive. :slight_smile:

Mercy players are actually capable of giving constructive feedback - we’ve posted threads about ways to fix valk, new abilities (bless, cleanse), new ways to work mass rez in (high-noon esque mechanics)

We’re not going around saying people deserve the hate they get. Real mature, buddy. Not going to debate this further since your ‘900 iq’ brain thinks the two scenarios are comparable.