What people need to understand is

Maybe for other heroes, but not for Mercy or the people that play her.

Thank you Rich. People act like Mercy mains are evil masterminds that are pulling the strings, and making Blizz are puppets - that we force the game our way, and throw hissyfits when it doesn’t.

That idea is laughable - how is that possible when they continue to ignore us? We never asked for any of this, the people who hate Mercy and mass rez did.

Rich is one of the most notable Reinhardt mains on the forums.


Because they nerfed her? She has proved to be the best support in the game for a while and a lot of people have been asking for her to be nerfed. Also like i mentioned in a previous post, just because they don’t end up doing what some people want them to do doesn’t mean they aren’t listening, they have to make difficult decisions all the time. I support the nerf to Mercy and she is my favorite support to play, but she is just too strong, she outshines the other supports and that is just not right, that is my humble opinion and you might disagree, but that is exactly my point, there are different views on things, don’t accuse them on not listening because they didn’t do what you wanted them to do, that won’t help. If you disagree with the nerf by all means tell them, you have a right to express yourself, but expecting them to do what you want them to do is not going to work.

2nd most played looks to be Mercy

She needed tweaks, I think a lot of people are concerned because these aren’t… really the nerfs she needs? After PTR testing, I and a lot of other players have concluded that… not a lot has changed.

I don’t think this patch will change much for her. But hopefully other healers become more viable.


Not because they nerfed her. Because they nerfed something that’s a complete non-issue and still doesn’t actually address her problems. It proves that they don’t listen, because people have been trying to tell them this for months. They didn’t listen until someone else asked for changes, and when they did, they certainly didn’t consider any of our feedback.

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If this is the case and you believe that, then tell them, you might be right and they might listen, but again my point is, they are doing the best they can, they have to take difficult decisions and aer not going to please everyone, they do listen, they have proven it time and time again and picking this mentality of us vs them is not going to help.

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It’s actually funny I’m debating this. Rich** (Rein?? lol) isn’t a Mercy main, they aren’t fighting for their own hero - Rich actually makes topics almost solely focused on Rein, and has been one of the loudest voices regarding Reinhardt’s balance, not Mercy’s.

They aren’t talking from the perspective of a Mercy player - anyone who’s been on the forums for a few weeks should know this by now.


We have been telling them. We’ve been telling them for almost a year. In this PTR update alone, and the weeks prior, we’ve been saying how -10 HPS won’t help. But it’s like talking to a wall.

Again, I agree she needs changes - as I said, I can only hope the other buffs will help.


I like Mercy but wish Rez was her ult, instead they nerf her healing

Switched to dps, since they only seem to get buffed


People have been telling them. There’s an entire thread of people telling them with 17k posts in it. Any attempt at telling them gets pushed into said thread, and currently that thread can’t even be used because it’s constantly autolocked and they’ve given up on trying to unlock it.


Well said…

unfortunately I belong to the group of Mercy players who had enough with the changes, the nerfs, and ultimately the reduced enjoyment (spectator-mode and statue-mode - unengaging, boring, trivial) so I quit playing. It simply wasn’t worth suffering through the toxicity, threats, or insults to play the hero I once loved and I never really felt like I would enjoy playing any of the other heroes even if I gave some of them a handful of hours.

So, US vs THE PROBLEM sounds like a much better way forward compared to what we have now…


Well, maybe they just don’t agree with what you are saying, they have a right to disagree and do what they think is best. Imagine that you were the developer and i told you “hey this thing that you are doing is wrong change it”, but you as the developer disagree, what are you going to do? Then add to it that there are multiple opinions on the matter, some will say that you should do this, others say that you should do that, and when you do “something” someone will get angry at you and accuse you of not listening to them, that is basically what they have to deal with.

Then they should actually communicate and explain why they think that way so we can reach an outcome that suits everybody instead of completely ignoring us


To be honest, every time they do something to her people complain about it, they just can’t catch a break. What you say is your opinion but is not a fact, they are trying to figure out what to do with her, they are not perfect, give them a break, also like i’ve been saying, they have the right to disagree, if they just did what everyone told them it would be a mess, they have to have integrity in what they do.

I play mercy and I like her current state.

She’s not disgustingly OP like she was, the nerfs will make her even less of a absolute must pick, and I find valk to be much less frustrating to play against than “woo we wiped the entire team! oh nvm mercy just rezzed them all. There goes 6 ultimates to wipe a team all countered by 1 mass rez”

Mercy’s fine, lads. And the healing nerf is needed so she’s not a absolute must pick.

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noah fence but I didn’t ask for D.Va to be turned into an amalgamation of a bunch of weird crap that just happens to work either. Mercy’s not even on Mercy 6.5–D.Va is

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Again, the biggest problem is their refusal to communicate. They worked with Lucio mains to make them happy while still accomplishing the changes they wanted to make. They’ve listened to Sombra mains and have budged on some of the changes. They haven’t listened to Mercy mains at all, they haven’t communicated at all. People wouldn’t complain nearly as much if Blizzard would just listen and communicate instead of dumping us into a trash bin and ignoring us.


Usually when they do, people still aren’t happy with the outcome. They literally explained why they are nerfing Mercy in the thread, what more do you want from them honestly? If it doesn’t work they will keep working on her, they literally said it. People need to understand that Blizzard will not always do what they want them to do, it’s their game and they will manage it the best way the can, are they perfect? No, but they are trying their best, thre are tons of changes coming based on community feedback.

Make your profile public and prove it :slight_smile: