What people don't get about Mercy mains complaining

We don’t want Mercy to REMAIN OP, genius. We want her to be BALANCED AND FUN! What do you people honestly not get? Mercy WAS balanced before the rework. We want THAT Mercy back.

We’re ticked off because Blizzard is deliberately ignoring what made Mercy an OP must-pick in the first place: Resurrect on E. Mercy will ALWAYS be a must-pick as long as this is true. And we don’t want her to be a must-pick!

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Not true. If we keep nerfing every other part of her kit, eventually she’ll be bad enough to even out the pickrates!

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I think ‘better’ on Symmetra is VERY subjective. Personally, I find her rework to be pretty garbage to play and play against. It feels cheap in a way old Sym never did to me, and while I can definitely understand her utility aspects in organized gameplay her lack of dual capability for a DPS hero is just not OK with me. But again, I can see why people who weren’t successful with Symmetra before would think she’s gotten an upgrade.

That said, if Mercy mains are complaining vocally on the forums, then perhaps it’s because they still don’t like the changes made to her. If Reinhardt has problems or a rework that everyone hates, then I expect to see Rein mains on here complaining every day too. I’ve never understood the sentimentality of ‘Well why aren’t you fighting my battles for me, other group?!’ as if both problems can’t exist simultaneously and, for some reason, Mercy Mains should be out here asking for fixes on everything rather than the hero that they care the most about?

Like, that’s just kinda how caring about stuff works. We can acknowledge there’s too many problems to fix all the time, that’s why we should all be vocal. Go make a Rein thread if that’s your dealio, no one is stopping you, I’ll support you and everything.

People seem to forget that other heroes do get a vocal outcry when they’re changed. There’s been Sombra threads every day for weeks. There’s a Bastion megathread that’s pretty comparable to the Mercy one. There were tons of Symmetra threads leading up to her rework. There were plenty of Lucio threads when his changes went up on PTR, the only reason they didn’t last as long was because Blizzard was having a good day and actually listened and communicated with them and gave them everything they wanted. This is absolutely not something exclusive or unique to Mercy or people who play her, she’s simply been ignored the longest (except for maybe Bastion).

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I think it’s time for you guys to pack your things, dust your hands, and just walk away. You’ll clearly never will be happy and the changes you want will never be provided.

We already had someone compare a real life event with real casualties to a f***ing video game. It’s srsly not worth it anymore.

I miss old Mercy so much. I legitimately cannot see any fun parts of new Mercy, and yet with the old one the slight rush you get using your ultimate, bipping and bopping around the team, it just felt so fluid. I didn’t even play her that much and I loved it.

Now she just feels…rushed. like they came up with the idea for her rework in 2 hours and then ran with it.

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Do you want to clutch your pearls tighter? Scream about how we should think of the children?

Seriously - I didn’t even compare the two, I was pointing out that you were using the same technique that’s used to police the civil rights movement in order to shut down discussion. And, wow, surprise, you’re here doing it again. What a shocker.

Hey here’s a tip - if you don’t want to hear the discussion about Mercy? Don’t click the Mercy threads.

They’ve clearly also forgotten the outcry when Dva’s DM was nerfed, or when her armor/HP ratio got changed…

Or the Dva mains adjusted and it wasn’t all that bad.

I don’t know what’s hard to understand about pervasive problems. Sometimes the devs change something and everyone freaks out, and it ends up not being a big deal. I personally thought Sombra’s rework was terrible. Turns out it doesn’t seem all that bad. Some changes, however, remain awful and so they get consistent, long lasting complaints, being reiterated over time over and over again to say ‘Hey, this is still sucky!’

Dva’s DM being nerfed didn’t make her unplayable or change her entire kit. It didn’t make her unfun to play.

Expect to see a lot of people complaining about problems that make the game unfun to play like genuine bugs or decisions that make characters crappy. That’s why we see tons of threads about Mercy, Symmetra, and Hanzo’s OPness - lots of threads about Doomfist as of late too debating his possible OPness, because again his playstyle doesn’t leave a lot to enjoy, it’s not fun. You either win or lose right away and there’s not much back and forth or fairness - I honestly don’t know how they’d ‘fix’ him or anything, but I think everyone can agree Doomfist either thrives or feeds more often than not and that’s a tough spot for any character to be in.

Dva, however, is in a healthy spot - so why would they complain?

I mean, there are still (some) D.va mains asking for them to revert nerfs, so…

And hey, they’re entirely entitled to do so! That’s kinda the point, to me.

Like - We should measure complaint volume with the severity of the problem, especially after an extended amount of time. It’s one thing to brush off volume at the beginning, as people haven’t interacted with whatever it is enough. But as things continue on and time passes, if the complaints don’t die down? It’s a good indicator there’s a genuine problem. That’s how… problem assessment, like, works lol. Which is why I always just roll my eyes at people acting like the volume of complaints means that we should stop talking about Mercy, as that’s kinda… Not how anything works, like, at all xD

I agree, as well as with your previous post. I just felt like pointing that out.

It was pretty OP on point B in several maps when you could use it from spawn. I mean that was just cheese mode :stuck_out_tongue: but the thing is that was an easy fix. Why Blizz threw the baby out with the bathwater is beyond me. Also I said it was strong not overpowered.

There are plenty of heroes whose abilities are disproportionately strong on 2CP B defense. As you said, it was easily fixed, and would be even less of an issue with a blanket LoS restriction added.

Or maybe… just maybe… instead of reworking a hero who was nerfed cause they could solo heal triple tank at the top levels of play, we could work on fixing other hero’s who’ve had bugs plaguing them since launch? Like Rein maybe? Mercy doesn’t need another rework. Unlike Sym, Mercy still has a ton of applicability. Reworking her just cause she’s “boring” isn’t a valid arguement. I’ve played mercy since the nerfs and honestly, i find it enjoyable. No part of juking out your enemies while making split second decisions is boring. In comp, i find playing mercy can be super stressful, since you need to constantly making choices.

Maybe wait a few weeks before declaring Mercy needs to be changed. We as a community need to figure out what situations she is useful in after a year of playing her by default

Mercy could only “solo heal” triple tank on specific maps and specific compositions where healing was less of a priority, namely ones with heroes that have self-sustain and that are focused on getting first picks. And the reason she was picked for those comps had nothing to do with her healing output.

True. Regardless this rework was a complete waste of time and resources and I’m still boggled Blizz went all in on it even when it became blatantly clear it wasn’t working.

nice job nitpicking my arguement. My point still stands however; why devote resources to reworking mercy when they could be fixing other heros? Also, the only hero in the triple tank comp who could heal themselves was Roadhog, who can only heal himself for 300, or to put this in perspective; one headshot from a widow. Anymore damage dealt inbetween heals Mercy will have to take care of if Hog wants to remain active in the fight. While Orisa does require less healing than the average tank, Dva has a large HP pool that can be bursted down quickly. She can grab a health pack, but on many maps that requires her to leave the fight and leave her team vulnerable without DM. Not to mention the other two squishies with a lack of horizontal mobility that allows characters like tracer to get to healthpacks quickly.

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It’s not nitpicking, it’s just correcting your misleading blanket statement. The most common triple tank/solo-heal map was Junkertown, where you would run Bastion who can also solo heal. Outside of that, Tracer was in a lot of them, who’s also not reliant on a healer. As well as that, again, the compositions relied heavily on getting first picks, and also had a lot of damage mitigation. You can’t just say “she solo-healed triple tank comps” and ignore the reasoning as to why it worked and why she specifically was picked.

We are not complaining because we hate other healers or want to be better than them.
We are complaining because they could have buffed other characters to fix the “rez is unfair” complaint.

They could have either given other healers a rez ability or given other characters the ability to prevent rez (Ana’s biotic grenade altering corpses so rez isn’t possible, for example).