What people don't get about Mercy mains complaining

In the playoffs, there was no tracer in those comps. In fact it was double sniper, and it was played across multiple maps

No. Never another res in this game. One necromancer is enough

Double sniper, another comp that revolves around getting first picks, which lowers the demand for healing.

I disagree. Most healers should have a rez. They should require different mechanics and be on different timers but others should have rez.

But to counter that, other characters should be able to disable the rez ability with existing mechanics.

Ana splashes biotic grenade on friends and enemy corpses, they cant be rezzed. Sombra hacks the corpse, it canā€™t be rezzed. Mei uses her ult, they frozen corpses in the area canā€™t be rezzed.

The ā€œrez is OPā€ issue was fixable without fubaring Mercy.

Damage boost? Iā€™m not convinced, as much as Ive used amp, that it is significant enough to justify opportunity cost of healing someone else. Ever.

Ive about 90 hours on Mercy and (going on quickplay stats only):

  • most damage amplified in a game 868
  • avg amp per 10 minutes is 219
  • only 101,118 damage amplified over 90 hours of play.
    (my favorite people to amplify is a friend who plays Junkrat and another couple of guys who are good at Hanzo).

In contrast (also quickplay):

  • most healing done in a game 16,701
  • avg heals per 10 minutes 7,700
  • total healing over 90 hours of play 3,560,241

Yes, she wasnā€™t boring when rez was her ult, and she wasnā€™t boring because you felt like you actually had an impact. Same with Mercy 2.0, but I can see why people were complaining about that.

Oh no you donā€™t. You are complaining because you canā€™t sustain bad decision and positioning anymore. Cmon, why should holding M1 reward more healing than manually aiming healing shots with a limited magazine and reload time with margin of errors? Iā€™m sorry, but it shouldnā€™t. Why does healing less suddenly make playing her any more or less boring to play? WHY do you HAVE to play her? Since you CAN play any hero (woo hoo) just play Ana. The easiest hero to play after a whole 1000 hours of Mercy proficiency and mastery.

PS: Iā€™ve too much hours on Mercy myself simply because she was a must pick. You you think youā€™re the only ones that had it rough?

Weirdly, this was not being said before her rework when she had 60HP/sā€¦

What does this prove? That you only play heroes that are overpowered and inherently broken?

A rework, skit that created toxicity and 14 sledgehammer nerfs. Weā€™ve really had it rough.

This thread didnā€™t age well

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Sweetheart, itā€™s not that serious.