What people don't get about Mercy mains complaining

That entire argument is based on a players feelings. Which is subjective. In your described situation the player has chosen to main a hero they don’t find fun and then suddenly it is the developers fault how that player feels. I get that you want to have fun on that hero and you used to. But that is your problem to deal with if the developers decided the changes are not going away.

merrcy has big issues, to 1 side her design and kit makes her too good compared to other supports. the healing/damage boost is too consistent.
on the other hand mercy has an ability called rezz which is either to unfun to play with or it is too strong or underpowered.

mercy has a playable character is so flawed even more so if you consider that they might add new characters but mercy should be seen as the go to healer.

Heres what I don’t get about this argument. You say you feel like a healbot? That you just stand behind the team and beam while they fight and don’t do anything dynamic?

That is Mercy’s core playstyle.

That has always been Mercy’s core playstyle.

Were you just playing her for rez before? That sounds like a pretty unhealthy reason to play a hero, just for her ult. If the rest of her play sounds boring, well, that’s what everyone else thinks about Mercy too.

Don’t generalize the Mercy community. Most Mercy players with actual brain tissue left in their brains would know that current Mercy is a rez bot.

Wait, did you just compare mercy mains complaining about a 10hps nerf to black people fighting for their civil rights?

I just can’t with these forums anymore. I’m done. Actually.


Only difference is that black people got what they wanted.

Ah yes, the ol ‘Ermagerd, everyone’s too triggered all the time, SJW’s are ruining everything, but HOW DARE YOU-’ chestnut. Good counterargument, totally works!

Maybe if they actually tested things on public test reaml instead of just assuming they know what players want without communicating with them, the whole mess could have been avoided in the first place. :woman_shrugging:

Mercy’s consistency is not problematic or a design flaw. The consistency of her healing is compensated for with a lower output than other main healers, and her damage boost is a tradeoff for lacking direct damage contribution.

Mass rez was never OP. Lacking counterplay? Sure, to an extent, but only because of the invulnerability. Before that was added, it was underpowered. They could and should have simply removed the invulnerability and explored other tweaks from there.

I mean, let’s not compare the systematic and brutal historic oppression of black people to mercy mains…

A lot of people died. I’d say there’s more than just one difference

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My heart died? Does that count? I’m joking. Ignore me

“What people don’t get about Mercy mains complaining”

Nah, people just know that Mercy mains complain a lot so they’ve stopped really listening to the complaints and have kind of just wanted Mercy mains to stop complaining all the time.

Whether theyve got a good reason to complain or not, after seeing complaint thread #27842784298429872489, people stop sympathizing and start hating (more than they already did).

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no worries I was just checking because if someone was actually serious about this… hoo boy

And I keep complaining about how bugged Rein is and how he needs fixing, but most Mercy mains don’t seem to care when a character is actually unplayable.

Yes I’m angry.

Which are central to the game in the first place.

In this case, the hero used to be fun, but isn’t anymore.

It is entirely the developers’ fault on how a hero feels to play; they are the ones who made said hero.

I’m getting a lot of use out of this image tonight.

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It’s simply the first thing that springs to mind when I think of “People trying to tell X group that they need to ‘stop complaining already’,” because it’s so prevalent today- I mean just look at how Trump treats the NFL players who are taking a knee, it’s ridiculous!

I acknowledge that the civil rights movement is a life and death issue and this is just a game, but the actions of people on the forums telling others to be quiet has similarities to other serious real life things, and if drawing that connection makes people stop and think ‘Hm, maybe I should just keep my opinion on Mercy mains complaining too much to myself,’ then that’s a good thing to me.

I find it astonishingly ironic that so many people are quick to hide under the cover of “Gasp, you drew a comparison to serious subject matter, how dare you!” as a way to simply… Circumvent the argument - are often the very same people who don’t actually give a crap about serious subject matter. But hey, whaddayagonnado.

Oh heck no, I played Rein and noticed he was wonky as crap. I feel REALLY bad for anyone trying to play Rein - I mean, I hate the Sym and Mercy reworks, but at least they… work… So, we got a leg up there!

Personally, I love the Sym rework. Her turrets are way stronger, her alt fire is IMO OP, and her primary fire has great shield break potential, especially after the range buff.

But, I do get how different she is, and how off putting that might be, but she is in a better spot, and that’s a start.

Also, I get not everyone has forgotten about Rein, but attention has been way more on Mercy in the forums, and it’s just so disproportionate to the amount she might need compared to the attention other heroes like Rein deserve.

Priorities simply should be realized is all I want to get across.

But I’m going to hazard a guess that people haven’t rejoiced to you about Rein being “dead”, or said that he doesn’t deserve to have his bugs fixed, or that since he’s spent so much time being meta he ought to be hamstrung in order to make room for more mechanically difficult tanks to have a chance, or called for his shield health to be nerfed, etc.

I definitely want Reinhardt to work properly and to be engaging and fun to play. I also want Mercy to have a skill ceiling that’s more than a couple of inches above her skill floor.

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