What other people think Mercy mains want

Caduceus Staff:
Primary fire: 10000 hps
Secondary fire: 30% damage boost
GA: 3000 m range 20000 mps
Instantly res everyone on your team
100000 secs, 100mps, 3000000 hps, fly
Super OG Amazing most best ability everrrrrr:
Instantly res everyone on your team, everyone gains infinite invulnerability until killed, Mercy immediately becomes the best hero in the game and is a must pick 4ever

What they really want:
Mercy to be a viable, fun, balanced hero with utility.
Check out 2 mercy rework ideas or any other posts with real ideas.

This is by no means targeted at everyone. Only the toxic people who constantly get posts locked or just be salty or mean at Mercy mains who just want their character to be fun. If this isn’t you, please just leave a smiley face down in the comments. If this is you, you probably haven’t even read this far and will just comment on this post saying that no one does this.

Thank you! :grinning:


They want mass rez back.
Don’t lie to me.


I know what they want, I just don’t think 60hps is acceptable on a hero that can heal indefinitely without interruption.


No, many of us don’t. Every iteration of Valk has been more interesting than mass rez. There’s a vocal group who do want mass rez again, though.


idk man, that first option seems pretty sweet.

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I know that you might think that because Aria Rose constantly says that, but i don’t. I liked instant tempo res better.

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Are the 2 mutually exclusive?


They’re in the minority. Most topics on here are- “Mass Rez Wasn’t OP because-”


I will agree with you on this, but for the purpose of this thread, (i dont believe in this) We will not ccount that.

Mmm, no. They’re actually split pretty 50/50 on Mass Rez returning with/without teaks and another rework/buffs. The info is out there, but people still say stuff like this that’s just blatantly wrong.


Aren’t the forum considered a minority of the community? So it’s a minority of the minority.

Just a very vocal minority


Mercy mains want her to have 7000 legendary skins. Don’t lie to me.


Why though? Zen can heal 30 HPS indefinitely without interruption. His healing orb also goes through shields, is auto aim, doesn’t require you to look at them after you apply it, and briefly lasts through walls. It’s the same as Mercy’s beam in how it functions, and it’s also 40m range instead of Mercy’s 15.

Also, Zen’s orb is an ability which he can have up all the time, even while he is firing damage orbs and throwing out discord orb. Mercy can only heal, she can’t damage boost or pistol at the same time.

Just think about that. Mercy’s primary fire only heals 20 more than Zen’s E ability, with the exact same cooldown, LoS restrictions, and indefinite-ness. But at a 15m range compared to his 40m range (she actually has to be near the person she’s healing).

So really, why is 60 HPS for her primary fire OP just because “she can heal indefinitely without interruption”, but 30 HPS Zen orb that can “heal indefinitely without interruption” is balanced?


I thought that was Mei Mains? :joy:

(PS: PLS put in a word to give Lucio 500 Legendary Skins)

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Lifeguard Mercy, Snow Angel Mercy, Original Concept Mercy, Oasis Mercy, etc.


How is that an argument? His heal is half as strong. Being able to pocket someone through a fight is dumb, healing should give you small advantages, and allow for refreshes, not guarantee a fight.

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All I want is a rework, I don’t care whether it reintroduces a form of mass resurrect or not, as long as it’s not the current trash Valkyrie with resurrect on ‘E’ design I’m sure almost anything at this point can be a better design than this.


Probably because the most well known and vocal Mercy players on forum are pro Mass Rez. They end up becoming the unofficial representative of Mercy players.
Especially since they don’t have much vocal opposition of ideas.

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I have 150 hours on mercy and could truly care less about a rez in any form on her.


Look at the one in my starting post

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