What other people think Mercy mains want

shoot, we’ve been exposed


Yes you have!
20 char

Very vocal minorities give larger groups bad reputations. You see it everywhere now.


Literally no one thinks that.

They think you just want mass Rez all the time (which most of the time is the case) but it was removed for a reason and it’s not coming back.

It’s what causes such hostility to mercy players. You want something that isn’t no going to happen and usually (not saying all the time) If you discussing this and you say mass Rez doesn’t belong in Overwatch or it was removed you usually end up with about 5 different mercy players telling them they’re wrong.

Not to mention that people think you’re very ‘buff my hero to op standards’ is because of the fact you whined when mercy got a buff saying it’s not what she needs or what you asked for… I hope you realise how entitled that comes off btw (not trying to start anything) so these standards and stereotypes aren’t just magically poofed into existence they are set by you.

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Actually, it used to be half as strong. Now it’s 60% as strong. And like I said, it’s less healing (by 20), but it has a 40m range compared to her 15, and allows him to multi-task while using it, whereas Mercy must commit all her resources into either healing, damage boosting, or rezzing one person at a time.

Except Mercy’s character design is to be a full-time healer who sustains her teams throughout fights. She doesn’t provide as much utility/burst healing as Ana and she doesn’t provide as much damage/raw healing as Moira. She’s supposed to be the best at strong, consistent healing, however both Ana and Moira are outhealing Mercy in higher ranks right now. Which is an issue, considering the devs said this in the patch notes:

The nerfs didn’t accomplish what they wanted, she is heavily outhealed by Moira in most ranks, and by Ana in higher ranks. The HPS nerf was intended to make her healing slightly worse but keep her as the best healer. Right now she’s the worst main healer. So that’s why they’re buffing her on PTR, and will probably buff her again in a few patches (most likely raise her HPS to 55).


Thats the point He is supposed to throw off an orb that has pathetic healing, but that is enough to atleast help a teamate so he can go off and do his more important job_
He is an off healer, His other half is a Damage dealer, Like Briggete is a healer and a tank.
So i dont undersatnd your point?
" He cant throw off an orb that does much less healing and still do stuff? even though he’s supposed to be fighting? NO I DEMAND HE LOSES IT THE SECOND HE HRUTS ANYTHING"
Thats the whole point, He deals damage while he heals.
Mercy is a straight up, My beam willl stick onto you and ill heal you, And heal you, Oh and maybe a damage boost, BUt then ill heal you.
What are you complaining about? That A healer that was also built to fight… fights?

Mass Resurrect is unnecessary.


From what I’ve read, and been through. A lot of Mercy mains are advocating for the return of Mass Rez because that was the last time she was fun, and balanced, if underpowered. They are asking for Mercy with mass rez before the invul was added, not the mass rez that was taken away.

But overall mercy players just want a fun and engaging hero with a “wow” factor. not the “You guys have fun…I’ll idk draw in the dirt.” that we have now. If that is a new Mercy not tied with rez’ing then by all means.


Now that is where you’re wrong OP, because…

No, I think they want 9999 hps! I dunno why you’re making all these assumptions!

Of course I don’t think they want this! She already has that! No, I’m sure they all want 31% damage boost!

What?! No! Clearly they want Mercy’s GA to have the same properties as Hook 1.0! That is, they want Mercy to Guardian Angel through the spacetime continuum! So if you push Guardian Angel on Temple of Anubis, for instance, you can fly through a dimensional rift and end up in Numbani in a completely different game!

Now that’s nonsense. It’s commonly known that Mercy mains want Rez to bring back everyone who has ever died ever in Overwatch.

Pfff! 100000 secs? Please. What is wanted is for Valk to be up all the time every time. Once you start the match, you’re Valking. And then when you actually ult, you enter Super Valkyrie. This is where you can GA back in time to prevent your enemy from ever winning. You went on a losing streak back in Season 3? No problem. Just Super Valk with Mercy, GA back into the past and prevent that losing streak from happening. You also instantly gain 1000 SR upon entering Super Valk.

You know you really shouldn’t assume what we non-Mercy mains think Mercy mains want. Because clearly what I think they want is way different than what you thought what we think they want. And what we think they want may not be what they think they want, so what you think what we think what they think we want isn’t the way to think, when you’re thinking of what we might be thinking we thought of what they’re thinking.


Sorry, I did make a lot of assumptions I should probably just not even try to make up for what people want. Maybe you should lead the Mercy Ice Cream Movement because you know the non-mercy mains so well.
Edit: I love this so much

When people flat out assume that ‘mass rez’ is all people want, it just exposes how very little they bothered to actually look into the problem and listen to the actual opinions of Mercy players who care enough to speak up about her.

Please. Trying to even pass half a revert back to 60 hps for ult only as any sort of proper buff is insulting. They nerfed her, then choose to revert half of that nerf. Thats all. Nothing new was added to make her better. You don’t nerf someone only to then half revert the nerf then expect to be praised because “Look we FINALLY gave her a buff!” Are you kidding? Yes, take away something from me only to give back half of it and then say “See! I finally gave you something!” No… you didn’t. Mercy players want an actual change. A real buff that isn’t hidden by half a nerf.


No…nobody knows what mercy mains want because literally every topic about her is split 50/50, and there’s not even a general consensus.

half of them want mass rez, half don’t
half want a rework, half don’t.
half want rez removed, half don’t.


Where am I complaining about Zen at all??? I literally think Zen is one of the most balanced characters in this game. He’s perfect the way he is. I was just using him as an example to compare him to Mercy, because people like to use the argument that her healing is “too easy and reliable” and so it should be bad, but Zen’s healing works the same way and no one ever complains about it (even though it only heals 20 less and he can deal damage while healing).

I’m saying Mercy’s healing beam needs a small buff (to 55 HPS maybe), not that Zen needs a nerf.

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I didn say you need zen needs a nerf, Let me repharse, Instead of complaining i simply replace it with comparing. A off healer off damage. person to a straight up healer only character.

So you complain about a revert that does make mercy better no matter what, do you not see how entitled you sound? Again just a reinforcement you’re setting these stereotypes.

whoa i want that too

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Very very low skill floor and skill ceiling compared to most other heroes

Wants her to be as viable as very very hard heroes, while retaining her very easy uncomplicated kit and mechanics.

Something doesn’t add up here guys, i can’t quite put my finger on it.

How is that even close to sounding entitled?

2 Months ago: Mercy 60 hps. Gets a Nerf down to 50 hps. Dev’s realized they over nerfed her, and reverts half the nerf and gives 60 hps back when she ults.

Mercy now: (or soon to be) Heals 50 hps baseline. Heals 60 hps when ults. She is still in a nerfed state then she was in 2 months ago. The “buff” is nothing new that is going to change her past where she was 2 months ago. Mercy players were already unhappy at the state she was in 2 months ago. We know how 60 hps feels when we ult.

How are you unable to see the difference in the issues players have with Mercy and the fact that this little buff means absolutely nothing in regards to those issues?


Subjective, but check

Check, especially with buffs coming


Most people who aren’t thinking outside the box see this as the best way to get Mercy to the above mentioned spot so there is that. Given she was a C tier at best even with invulnerability and all the isue’s that got her reworked had nothing to do with balance but rather “Muh Unfun mechanic”

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