What Mercy Changes Do You Want?

Fair, its ok if you enjoy her playstyle now i guess :man_shrugging:

Ana to be nerfed to her power level so mercy mains will stop crying for powercreep

As far as I’m aware, Valkyrie doesn’t blind or stun the enemy as it did in the trailer. Mercy will still fly via GA and presumably have some sort of flashy golden effect associated with her new ult. She’d be losing her chain beam, which was never featured, presumably because it’s as boring to watch as it is to play.

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  • 60 hps
  • 20% dmg boost
  • 70 hps & 30% DMG boost during Valkyrie
  • beam disconnection after using valk removed
  • early cancelation of valk


Healthy main healer, DPS pocket dead. Everyone happy.

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I’d be fine with this, however are chains removed in this version?

I dont think ana being nerfed will help Mercy…


I don’t think it’s necessary. Moira heals for 65 hps I don’t think why 70 hps during an ultimate would be a problem.

But if it was, reducing valk duration to 12 sec wouldn’t be bad

Well your post gives me nothing to go on to give you any kind of reply so…

She needs to heal Genji.

Mercy is actually fine, but she lacks healing compared to others that are way more versatile and can also damage at the same time as healling much more then her. So either buff her so she gets some space to shine and be as impactfull as them or lower the other’s healling capabilities. rn Mercy is only a heal bot and even so, there are options that outheal her.

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Well i think the main problem about that is if its team wide constantly 70 hps would be a bit much, maybe reducing the chain heals.

Yeah oops, i’ll just move it from the reply to the original post lmao

Needs? Nothing. Imo she’s more than fine?


That’s different.

I’d take a hps nerf, speed boost, and a fast defensive ultimate to be an off healer like her kit reads.

And pistol becomes a third form of fire ◉‿◉

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If you think 55 HPS or 60 HPS is powercreep when Mercy had 60 the majority of the game’s lifespan and before Bap, Brig, and Moira were even added to this game then you have absolutely zero understanding of what powercreep is or means.


after Moira and Baptiste have just had there AOE healing toned down and weve just nerfed barrier because we want the game to be less about big health bars and more about actual engagements then yes I do think buffing mercies healing when the only other main support in the game who hasnt been hit with a well deserved healing nerf is Ana who Mercy mains want to be crept to compete with.

To OP:

To make Mercy a viable main healer with the bare minimum changes: 60 HPS. Multiple pros have stated she really just needs a healing buff to be viable.

If they were to rework her though, here’s what I’d like:

55 HPS main beam
Press R to do 65 healing for 3 seconds, 10 second cooldown.
Damage boost also gives allies a 30% speedboost.
E rez removed, replaced with a long range, near instant cast cleanse/burst heal.
Valkyrie is now 10 seconds long, E ability becomes a single rez during it with a .8 second cast time.

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"to be viable."

And what does this mean to you exactly?

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You sure?

It would be just 5hps more than what Moira’s primary fire heals singlehandedly. ;/

When moira’s able to dish out 140 hps from both primary+orb or solo coalescence… And that’s
considered fine?

Well Moira’s healing is on a resource, Mercy’s isnt, so therefore you can have infinite 70 HPS [until the ultimate ends of course]
To be fair tbh i think it would have to be a shorter duration like 8-10 seconds

This yeah.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀