What Mercy Changes Do You Want?

valkyrie will be almost impossible to remove. they even already featured valkyrie in the OW2 trailer.

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Honestly I would like to see her kit streamlined a bit as she’s the only Support that flatout cannot smoothly transition between actions ( or multi-task, depending on how you look at it.) and is dependant on the team to move around.

For example, we get rid of the pistol and fuse its mechanics with her staff.

  • LMB - Healing
  • RMB - Damage Boost
  • LMB+RMB - Pulse Fire (functionally the same as the pistol but no weapon swapping required and maybe it reloads automatically while healing and boosting beyond being able to also manually reload it.)


As for Guardian Angel, I would like to have both quick tap and hold/release mechanics that would function in this manner…

  • Hold/release: causes her to perform her standard Guardian Angel maneuver to a teammate.
  • Quick tap: causes her to soar in a direction

to be fair, OW2 is a long way from being finished

I like this idea!
however i think it would be a pain for console players </3

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…but they still worked really hard for it and mercy’s valkyrie could have a link with a mission or a cinematic or something.

resurrect is also impossible to remove as its literally her signature print. if they do remove it, they would probably make another support that resurrects which would piss me off.



Well the only reason i would see it not being able to be replaced is by it being linked to a cinematic or mission which, is yeah fair. However, there is a lot of things that have been shown and removed [i.e scatter] and Mercy in cinematic is shown to do things she cant do in game, i dont think it really matters tbh. She is a angel she can fly either way!

Oh yeah, its not going anywhere, however i think its better to move it to only her ultimate its kinda plaguing her kit atm

Wouldn’t mind if we go the beta animation for it though.

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i agree with rez… disagree with heals lmao. Rez is too problematic to balance. Instead of it why dosnt she just have a single target burst heal to full health, regardless of how much health the ally has. An instant full health heal. That would actually make sense as “hero’s neevr die” and make it like a 20 second cool down

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honestly that would be perfect.

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wait was this in zero hour??

Looks smoother and just more pleasing to watch than the snapping of the hand suddenly to the staff again.

She needs a full rework

but blizzard will never do that at this stage sigh

However what could FIX her is

  1. Heal buff
  2. impacful changes to valk

If they wanted to do a rework i would say

  1. Change rez to an ult - similar to mass rez but balance it so its not op etc
  2. Have valk on e but a toned down version. Eg flight only and hps increase no chains etc

I’ll take “Mercy is Fine” for 500, Alex

(but I would have gone with Potent Potables if that had been an option)


A rework.

  • Her E should be some kind of brief healing augmentation. My personal preference is for 50 + 10% target’s max HP for 3 seconds, with a 12 second cooldown starting on ability proc
  • Rez should be eliminated or restored to her ult only. My preference is for Valkyrie to retain its flight but to lose chain healing, instead getting a few charges that can either A) burst heal a living target w/ some additional HoT, or B) resurrect a dead target (as in it can do both). Perhaps something like 8 charges, with a heal consuming 1 charge and a Rez consuming 2. Rez in this ult has no movement penalty and a 0.75 second cast time.

More tank heal, it’s just so painfully slow on high hp targets. A cleanse otherwise would be kinda neat, if really situational. Personally like the current rez though.

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Moved the reply to the OG post

More impactful than just a pocket bot, it’s so horrible to watch your team get rolled while the main part of your impact relies on the skill level of your pocket


60 HPS and bring down GA to 1 second OR leave the 50 HPS and increase the tether range to 17 meters and LoS before tether break from 1 second to 3 seconds.

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