What makes it forced?

So Tracer’s backstory when she was initially revealed said she had a girlfriend?

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Your symbol is Varian, a dude who OVERCAME his biased because he thought it was what was best for the world!

There’s no such thing. Bias is bias, it’s doesn’t matter the reason.

I already discussed this and no you cant bait me bc I made this point already. I approved of it bc it was still early in the games lifespan (the first year), and didn’t come off as “guys we need to have a gay character or the gays wont buy our game!”

Right now, that’s exactly what it appears to be with Soldier.

That doesn’t change any word I said. Read again.

But Tracer’s sexual orientation was undefined, until it was revealed she was gay.

Thus, it changed. Doesn’t this bother you?

Not even in the slightest.

The short story also talks about Ana’s past relationship with Sam the same way and yet no one is complaining about that. Funny.

So you don’t even believe in your own opinion? For shame.

At the end of the day it comes down to thinly veiled homophobia. I had hoped to change my mind with this thread but it’s only cemented my position.

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The bias of love is the most common bias.

By the way, Taehyung is the ultimate bias.

If they were going to say “guys we need to have a gay character or the gays wont buy our game!” wouldn’t they have done that, I dunno, early in the game’s lifespan (the first year) when they were trying to build their player base?


In today’s news: Ana revealed to be straight :scream::scream::scream: - Liberals 2030

Eh you almost had me going as someone who was trying to make legit arguments but you’ve turned into a right wing meme. SAD

Solider… is not Tracer…

I mean I’m sure there are plenty of straight relationships yet to be revealed too. Is Overwatch just not allowed to mention relationships at all now? Or only gay ones?

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Why is Soldier more important to you than Tracer?

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Forgive me, but isn’t this hypocritical?

It just means you never understood what a character your playing now represents.

Yes we have bias, the point is to overcome those bias and in doing so make our world better.

As for your whole corporate triad, maybe there are hidden agendas, that doesnt change the fact things like feminism, veganism lgbt are things that actually have positive merit. Hell, the internet was initially built for military purposes and look what happened to it.

News flash. Game is waning and they’re talking about making OW F2P in 2019 so now is the perfect time.