What makes it forced?

oh wow, you are just ticking off all the boxes for “just plain a bad person in general” aren’tcha

So you’re saying that you don’t find the straight relationship controversial because the media doesn’t find it controversial, in other words it’s isn’t controversial because it isn’t controversial. Okay.

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News flash. If it’s a marketing ploy NOW it was a marketing ploy THEN. But one is fine to you while the other isn’t and you’re staunchly refusing to acknowledge your hypocrisy.

So what would be an acceptable way to have a gay character?

I knew where you were going from the start and no, it isn’t. I let you put out this hook so I can be sure that you don’t understand my point. So here it is to make it clear.

I do not PERSONALLY care what sexual orientation ANY character in ANY game or ANY medium is. Gay, straight, taco. I do not care. It had no effect on how I feel. What BOTHERS me is BLIZZARDS blatant pandering to include diversity in a game that has been out for THREE years. More so, my point is also directed at those who DO have an issue with Soldiers sexuality, and that I disagree with them on the matter of disliking simply that he is gay. MY point of view and disagreement is BLIZZARDs delivery, not with Soldier: 76s orientation.


I’m not questioning if it’s common or not, it doesn’t change the fact bias is bias. And no, LGBT and the leftwing don’t have only ‘love bias’. Scientifically speaking they are not another species (curiously this is what you try to explain to other people when it suits you). Since they are homosapiens, then they are subject to all sorts of feelings, including the good and bad ones, including any kind of bias.

Technically, it’s only been like 2 and a half years. We’re only 8 days into 2019.

But I wonder. If 1 year is okay, and 2.5 is not…what was the exact cut off date?

2 years 3 months? 1 year 6 months? 2 years even?

News flash. NOW is not THEN and just because it’s being done NOW and not THEN does NOT mean it’s not a marketing ploy.

I’ll repeat myself:

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The cutoff point is whenever it doesn’t feel like bs.

When exactly is that?

You’re not making any sense.

Everything Blizzard has ever done is a marketing ploy that’s how capitalism works.

Acceptable and genuine are not the same thing. Next.

It’s like turning Mercy’s skin black and calling her “the first African American female in OW.”

Like, ok? Seems kind of lazy and out of character.

When did they say 76 was straight?

Never :ok_hand:


Congratulations you just answered your argument and mine at the same time. Thanks for agreeing.

Idfk dude I don’t work in PR.

I am genuinely curios I want to understand your position better. Please tell me a specific example of how they could have done this that you would not find offensive?

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