What makes it forced?

What agenda? Wanting to be accepted and not persecuted, killed and abused is an agenda now?

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What? No lmao. What are you talking about?

No. If I was holding a puppy behind my back and I asked you to guess what I was holding, the contents of my hand didn’t change from “nothing” to “puppy”, it was always puppy.

Do you watch the news? Or YouTube? Have you been on the internet for the past 3 years at all?

Pretend I don’t and explain it to me.

  1. Your analogy is flawed. It it would be more accurate to say “If I wasnt holding a puppy and put my hands behind my back, and told you to guess what it was, then someone put a puppy in my hands and I revealed to you a puppy.”

THAT is the proper analogy.

  1. I’m definitely not going to explain years and years of the agenda of the far left. If you missed it, idk what to tell you.

That would imply that at some point they claimed that 76 was not gay, and then changed it.

Bring me evidence that 76 was straight at any point in the past.

okay so you don’t know.

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Because it doesn’t exist and is something conservatives like to use as a scare tactic. There’s no secret agenda.


You’re right there is no secret agenda. It’s actually very very loud.

Your fires burn low.

If the left agenda is to treat everyone as equals I’m generally ok with it. Considering the current poster child of the conservatives is Trump, I’m pretty sure I made the right choice.

  1. It would actually imply that his sexually wasn’t established (analogy being “nothing in your hands”) and then he was made gay (“oh look a puppy!”)

  2. I do know… I said I wasn’t going to explain it. Not wanting to explain years of political pandering from the left is not “I don’t know.” I’m not a child you cant bait me with reverse psychology lmao.

Did you know that conservatives tend to have more overactive disgust regions of the brain and are less likely to extend empathy to those that aren’t their kin

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So his sexuality didn’t change.


And now here’s Roy!!!

You need to repent for that one :stuck_out_tongue:


The agenda of political correctness = to pretend to be the perfect person, who accepts everything, who does not have any kind of bias and are pro everything. Basically what leftist defend… as if they were some kind of superior human being.

The problem is that it’s a lie. Nobody can be pro everything and nobody is completely free of bias. The logical true for this question is: LGBT are bias as well. The left is also bias. Human being is not perfect.

In companies, the agenda is used to mask something bad they are doing behind the curtains, or something bad that is happening with the company. Usually Bankers are doing a lot of this because they can spread their awkward concepts of globalism while pretending to be good advocates of feminism, veganism, lgbt causes etc etc

In conclusion, they can also do this simply because it’s cool to “be inclusive”. It does not mean that they are giving a damn about it, neither that they are in fact inclusive, what counts is the mask.

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“Repent, you’re a sinner.” vs “Awaken, you’re divine.”

So, going back you approved of Tracer’s girlfriend right?

I’d rather be biased towards love than hate.

I thought I already established this. Yes, I approved of Tracer’s girlfriend.