What kind of meta DO you want? :o

-no stuns
-keep cc as low as possible
-no low skill floor heroes


Do the recent buffs to Moira, Ana, and Lucio not count?

but seriously i want no meta, there should be a huge patch where every hero has a good combo with at least 1 of any other hero (pharmercy, halthook, nanoblade), and none of the combos should be so overpowered where everyone would play those heros

the game is best when theres diversity of comps and heros

no meta meta everyone equally viable differences in pick rate only explainable by popularity of the character not their power

I specifically stated that the slight tweaks to supports in an attempt to even out the support pick rate do not denote buffs, as a whole, to the support roster.

In fact all three received previous nerfs;
Moira - “bugfix” (ya sure keep telling yourself that Blizzard) preventing her healing to go through shields.
Ana - Unfairly blamed for 3 tank META. It wasn’t all her, and had mainly to do with power creep of Damage Dealers. Forcing players to take high health and high burst healing to counter enormous damage potential. Diminished percentage healing via biotic grenade, a damage nerf, and throughput healing nerf.
Lucio - Lost over 500% of his healing radius. Blizzard reverted, I know how you all like that word, a portion of what they had taken away.

This isn’t even getting into the abomination that is Mercy at this point.

I still hold my belief that the way things are going the only outcome will be a 6v6 Damage Dealer META and the crowd will say almost nothing because the crowd is made mostly of Damage Dealers.

Map Meta. There’s always going to be meta heroes, but honestly make the meta situational based on the map. Modify the maps slightly so each character has distinct advantages on certain maps.

For example you could open up a bunch of high/wide sightlines for Widowmaker on Eichenwalde (she already kinda does), extend the skybox up in King’s Row so Pharah can be used to flank more aggressively on offense. Add a load of dips in Junkertown so Junkrat can deny more routes or cause more chaos in smaller areas, open up small gaps like barely open doors in Volskaya that only teleporting heroes like Reaper and Sombra can pass through to flank.

If you make each map distinctly give advantages to certain heroes, you see more varied usage. This doesn’t stop heroes not being able to play on certain maps either if they’re fundimentally strong.

That’s the goal!

Unfortunately, this game is so dynamic that such a goal is almost impossible. I think the issue with a meta is that people believe it to be “oppressive,” since it only allows you to play X, Y, and Z heroes.

Dive was actually pretty neat, imo. You only really saw it at the highest levels of play, so the lower tiers were more diverse and interesting.

Of course, it also meant that OWL and Contenders were more or less mirror matches, but I never really watched them much anyway :woman_shrugging:

Once ran into a Junkrat who could shot Phara out of the sky every encounter.

He would even set his mines around tight corners where she would fly, bait her to pass by it and blow her up so he only had to land one shot.

Was the coolest thing I ever seen a JR do

Lol I did that to Fragehardt last night.

He solo ulted me on the next spawn :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t think Overwatch should even have metas.

I would like this game to be more like outplaying people and overall skill instead of whoever has the better comp wins kind of game.


That’s not what happened. Ana set up tanks so much that running DPS wasn’t worth it if the enemy could outheal by blocking damage. The real part of the problem was that the tank busters back then were underpowered. The other DPS were balanced but were unable to effectively deal with tanks.

Old Lucio healed less than current Lucio. He also had a slower projectile speed.

I don’t think I’ve ever complainaed about a meta ever
However I just want a MEta that is only A tier and the second best idea is B tier and if executed properly could beat the A tier or Meta

For example if Dive is Meta
I want it to be more then possible for a death ball to beat it.

I have my own personal meta; play the heroes you’re best at. Will never go out of fashion :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

It doesn’t, that’s just a handy acronym applied to it later. It’s really just an abreviation for metagame. A lot of other communities use the full term more, but Overwatch has decided it only likes the abreviation.

On the actual topic of the thread, I love deathball/triple tank comps.

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I answered a question you asked. I did not tell you that Overwatch Jesus whispered in my ear these commandments we shall all, as Overwatch players, subscribe to.

I play Reinhardt.

Over the course of 2 years I have watched my damage blocked increase by 33%, yet have always maintained top 10% of population performance.

I have had my average death count increase by 2 deaths per game, again still in top 10% of performers.

My own damage has had to increase to help counter burst damage, even though Reinhardt’s damage dealing capacity has been hampered by Blizzard’s bugs since the game was released.

I have seen my supports, people I interact with daily, lose interest in playing because of the constant need to relearn how to play the chosen support heroes they play. Some utterly refuse to play support anymore due to them being far weaker then their previous iteration.

I am speaking from my experience. I am speaking from what I have observed over the last 2 years. Most importantly, I could be wrong. This still will not change what I have seen happen, or how I tell others what I have seen.

From my perspective that’s what I saw. The 2/2/2 comp was the baseline that all other comps countered from. You brought another tank to absorb the vast amount of damage and you took Ana because she was the only one who could sustain them. I remember the META, and do not wish to repeat it, but recognize why I saw it happening.

Personally, I want a diverse meta. A fluid meta. A meta that changes from game to game because so many heroes are viable. A roster that doesn’t include “niche” heroes.

I want a meta that isn’t set in stone for 6-8 months at a time. I want a meta that changes from game to game depending on what the other team is running.

After all… that is what Overwatch was suppose to be about. Hero switching. Its not very often you get in a game and end up switching heroes because the “meta” is so small that everyone plays the same things over and over because half of the roster is totally trash.

The game isn’t balanced and that is why people are frustrated with “metas”

Everything you listed above should be a viable strategy 100% of the time depending on what the other team is doing.

If that isn’t going to be the case in this game, then they should 100% change how the game is played and stop allowing hero swapping and start forcing a pick and ban system before the match starts and locking you into the hero you picked.

If you want Overwatch to be about hero switching then something needs to happen because 1 viable meta at a time is totally killing this game and people will always complain.

They NEED to balance the game. It is 100% possible but they are either too lazy to try OR simply dont know how.

reaper still is underpowered…

Mercy could sustain them before just fine. However, Ana provided so much healing that she was effectively outhealing damage when combined with tanks. Remember, Mercy was only buffed to heal 60 hps because she couldn’t compete with Ana.

I feel that both damage and healing need to be toned down in general.

I’d like a meta that has less tanks and healers.

I feel its not only adequate to hold that stance, it is imperative. I simply hold a different one. Mine is derived from playing an ungodly amount of Reinhardt.

My opinion is validated by “things” (I wanted to use the exploitative) like this