What kind of meta DO you want? :o

I actually do want dive.

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I want no meta, with every character to be viable. The problem is, you cannot have a character viable in every situation or people will cry.

See: Mercy.

It’s un-achievable, but, hey, I can dream.

That doesn’t mean you can’t have discussions though.

I’m just in a debate mood right now.

Also, the reason many people want less tanks and supports is because many of them think that GOATS is the most powerful comp.

I wouldn’t call it a “Junker Meta” but I’d like them to be viable at all ranks.

This may be. I wouldn’t be able to confirm or deny this.

What I can infer from my experience is Blizzard has removed power structure from 1/3 Tank, 1/3 Support, and 1/3 Damage.

The power structure that most “pro” players and top level players, who mainly play Damage Dealers is a power structure more like 1/6 Tank, 1/6 Support and 2/3 Damage.

This is how I see Blizzard balancing. It will only be a matter of time before the Damage Dealers want to remove the last 1/3 of the component in its entirety. This day we will have the high level players running 6v6 Damage Dealer, and that will be META and the “community” will rejoice.

This doesn’t make sense when you consider that one of the comps right now doesn’t use any DPS.

If we go off pro-play, then we actually see that DPS gets the short end of the stick. The only time triple DPS was viable was during the very beginning of dive (until D.va was added into the comp) and when solo healing Mercy was viable. Most comps that don’t use 2 DPS replace a DPS with a tank or a healer.

No meta at all. A season in which every character can be used and no one is going to be forced to play anything because another hero is better at the moment.
Competitive where people can play the heroes they want and are good at instead of having to play a certain hero they don’t like.

They don’t even have to be viable in every situation. I simply want people to be able to play the game while still holding up a perfect team comp.


I am speaking from my rank, and my experience.

Most games I play are 1 Tank with a possible off tank, 1 Support with a possible 2nd support and 3-4 Damage Dealers.

I am fairly middle of the pack in regards to Rank. My Competitive set ups tend to lean towards 2/2/2, but far more often I am seeing more and more DD’s per team.

Blizzard has been following the same path for the last 2 years. The path they are following is to make supports have zero ability to counter damage, which in turn makes fielding a tank pointless. The most prolific support, and the one people have the fewest negative comments towards is Zenyatta…the damage support.

The final one, to be honest. I want OWL and all make-believe sports to end so that we can just enjoy the game how it was before it became all about the METAs and people started getting reported for not fulfilling them.

Yes, I know.

I was bringing up pro play because you mentioned it having.

Assuming DD’s means DPS, the it may be because there are more DPS than tanks and supports.

Could you tell me what rank you are? I want to see if the stats refect what you’re seeing.

I want a game where various comps and stategies counter each other, but not one completely dominates like has happened previously. Dive can be fun to play and watch, but when it can only be successfully countered by itself, it wears out it’s welcome quickly.

Natorian: you have a very interesting theory about 6 damage comps. It’s something I can see traditional FPS players wanting to see happen. If it ever does, it will probably be the actual death knell of the game.

Overwatch was built on a variety of playstyles to attract a wide audience with a variety of gaming backgrounds. Restricting it to a single playstyle will drive a lot of players, and viewers, away. I don’t see such a concept as healthy for the game.

To each their own when it comes to “private-ing their profile” mine has and always will be public.

In season 1 I was ranked from 49-65.

Season 3 I was placed in Silver 1650’ish.
Over the next 7 seasons I built my way to 2850+ Platinum.

In my play time I have had multiple groups that I have participated in. One specifically was a scrim that I joined after beating another 6 stack in Quick Play. The two teams were as follows.

My team.
All Platinum 6 X 2800+
Enemy Team
2 Top 500, 1 Grand Master, 2 Master, and 1 Diamond.

The 2 Quick Play games were on King’s Row. We won both times against this enemy team.

The scrim directly after was competitive rules. We attacked first and had more time remaining then the enemy team. In the end after the next attack and defense phase we ended up losing, but we lost by the difference in one single team fight. The match was very close and competitive.

It was after this that I concluded individual rank is only so accurate. A team of Platinum players can win against a team that is far ahead of them in skill value attained, but the realistic skill value isn’t that different.

With all of this being said. I mention the top tier of players because Blizzard tends to balance off of their feedback first. Their feedback so far has been the leading reason why supports tend to get shafted most often. If Blizzard continues to listen to them, likelihood is high, then supports will continue to become obsolete, thereby making tanks obsolete in the process.

My assumption is that this is the path we will follow until we reach the 6v6 Damage Dealer (DD’s) META.

Blizzard’s design may stink for Tanks and Supports from an enjoyment perspective but, the Balance part massively favors them. I very rarely touch DPS heros with a couple situational exceptions anymore because my MMR from playing supports is significantly higher than my capabilities as a DPS.

Let’s be real what % of the population that bought the game actually wants to play Tank or Support if they were balanced.

When I started, I was regularly the only person playing as either one. Nowadays, I’m running into 2-2-2 more matches than I’m not in Quick Play.

Since launch we’ve had two tanks, one damage (two forgot Sombra), and three supports added. If the staff was trying to cut down on Tanks/Supports they’d have continued with the terrible tank/support to dps ratio that the game launched with.

We’ve even got pop-ups in matches nowadays if we don’t have two tanks and two healers in Quick Play.

The development team wants tank and support heavy comps like you do, they just don’t have the same view of what fun is so they make changes and additions that frequently have the side effect of reducing the fun that players have.

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Metas are mostly unimportant in the lower ranks anyhow. Just more complaints about one hero in particular always being overpowered.

Like Brigitte to a Doomfist main.

I want an all support meta where we support each other nonstop.

I think that would be really neato.

Don’t get me wrong

I still enjoy playing as a tank and support.

My distinction is that Blizzard has a heavy hand when deploying changes to supports and to a lesser extent tanks.

Its akin to fooling players as to what the real intentions are. Blizzard may add more heroes but their ultimate goal is to make them unplayable by nerfing the tether that allows them to be played.

Both Sombra and Doomfist were new additional heroes. Both of them have had a large amount of time spent in the “repair shop”
Reinhardt, an original hero has had bugs since launch day.

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I would like a little higher skilled meta. Lower skill heros like Junk, Brig and Moira annoy me because of the low skill/high reward nature.

Any meta but this bland 2:2:2 meta. I want to see stacks matter in more situations. Sometimes you need 3 DPS. That should be a choice.
Healers were a balance problem from the start.

A meta where people want to tank and currently they do so I’m happy.

I like Orisa, but I don’t want to tank every game or solo heal without a tank.

Also not where casuals play “dive” where they think they can pull off dive without a tank and without communication. And it’s a free for all in the backline

How about a meta where ALL the picks are viable and not considered a troll pick due to proper balancing?