What kind of meta DO you want? :o

Deathball? No
Rez meta? No
Dive? No
Triple support? No
Double Sniper? No

Each time it’s “OMG NOT THIS” on the forums.
You will never be satisfied, will you?


Multiple metas viable, no one right strategy to win.


This one is pretty good.

Just need to fix Bastion, Sombra, Torb, Symmetra, Reaper, Roadhog.

And fix a whole slew of bugs.


The “I have no effing clue whats meta. I can run everything and it kinda works” meta.


Meta needs to change based on map which right now sort of does. There are still some things that need adjusting but there will always be a meta that someone doesn’t like


I think that’s the ultimate goal Blizz has.

Unfortunately, just like in Yugooh, Magic the Gathering, LoL, etc, there will always be a best strategy that becomes meta.

Blizzard should still continue to strive for that goal however.


META means

Most Effective Tactic Available


No meta is best meta, but is unfortunately unachievable.


I actually had no idea it meant this. All my years, I thought “meta” was called that because it meant the strategies most focused on by the community outside the game.

This makes way more sense.


The two heroes I think I can play better than nearly anyone I’ve met.

Who are also sadly the only tanks to not be meta post s3/4.

I’d like if they just took who is meta in one season and basically turn the game so that they aren’t good in the next one… continue this forward and eventually all heroes have their time to shine and one-tricking will actually be punished as it’d be unlikely that someone actively playing comp would be able to stay in a high one-tricked rank two seasons in a row.

Meta where all 3 MT and their comps are viable depending on map and side with none above 60% pickrate, as well as double off-tanks. Meta where there is no must picks, no matter the role. Non-rigid meta with fluent team comps and no R-P-S hard counter bologna.

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I want NO meta. I want the MOBA meta, where there’s 130+ characters and each match is wholly unique and you never know what you’re gonna get

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No meta is the best meta.

Any meta is bad since only few heroes will be actually usable.


Honestly, any meta without Widow and Doomfist, and that has some degree of counterplay.

I want whatever meta will make it so I’m allowed to play my favourite characters.

In Plat there is no meta.

It’s actually really nice here.


I have literally never heard this as a definition of meta.
As far as I have seen meta is short of metagaming - basically strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset.


This is what I thought also. I have no idea what the truth is.

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I want double sniper to come back; however, I do not believe it is ever coming back and if it does, it is just because the community is inept and good players, the ones you have to worry about, already know half a dozen ways to counter you.