What kind of meta DO you want? :o

I’d suggest looking to games like the original Guild Wars for how a diverse meta can play out. Most of the “metas” during that game’s lifetime were like 10% of team comps, not 75% as in Overwatch.

In fact, if you look at most games with a competitive scene, the dominant strategies/characters are generally ones for whom there exists little counterplay. Which is a design flaw rather than an inevitability.

Unfortunately, in order for that to work aim needs to not be the be-all end-all skill in overwatch, and there are a lot of people who refuse to accept that they simply wouldn’t be able to out-aim all their problems.


There will be different metas at different skill tiers.

What works at Pro, GM, Plat, and Bronze may be entirely different.

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This is an entirely fair point.

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It can also depend on the skills of who is playing (like which specific heroes they are good at), enemy comp, and the map.

I would like junkrat to be viable again. whatever meta makes that happen

Junkrat is viable, he’s just not meta.

Then again, I have bizarrely good Junkrat accuracy.

I’d like a rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock meta.


The people who are happy with a meta aren’t going to be the ones on the forum complaining about it.

Personally I’m happy in the current meta. I’d like Snipers and Doomfist to be a little less oppressive, but at least it’s not like it was a few months where every game was won by Grav + Dragons.

Whatever meta isn’t covered with CC.


The META I believe that will see the last amount of hate will be if/when we reach a 6 Damage Dealer versus 6 Damage Dealer META.

This will give the highest ego players a reason to shout from the mountains how hard they carried. The medal system will be one that can definitively determine who was playing better then the others on their team.

It will be the META most widely accepted, and the one that will eliminate more players from the game then any other. This direction is one we have headed in the direction of since the 3rd or 4th month the game was released.

If the balance continues in the direction it has been going I feel we have about 9-12 months before we see this wildly used in top ranked matches.

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I have maintained a 32% accuracy with Junkrat in comp.
He is D / F tier at the moment.
Everything he does, someone else does better.
The last nerf to his ult and projectile were unnecessary and made him extremely unreliable for damage.

Current “meta” is kind of nice, mostly because nearly every hero at the very least has SOME niche they excel in. Like Greyfalcon said, some heroes are in DESPERATE need of attention but aside from that it’s mostly alright.
Aside from current “anti-meta-meta (in all honesty, I’m not too sure on the current meta following the support tweaks and hanzo nerf)”, I liked Dive the most, since it was a coordinated group charge and overrun directed at the enemy squishies. It was satisfying watching several people relentlessly charge several other people. Of course, it was a tad more limiting than current state afaik, but I feel that it still unified Overwatch as having unique mobility/dive based gameplay. It would be interesting to see what all heroes would look like if they were balanced to fit in or around dive, but that obviously will never be the case.

I mean, yeah, he was already quite unreliable already, the nerf just made him far worse.

Think it would be cool if the META was all about the midrange and shortrange game, less snipers and characters who can excel in all range(Looking at you, Hanzo.)

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The game would fall out of popularity, as the whole forums would complain about having no healers, none of them willing to switch, and if by chance they get a mercy on a team, they’ll just let her die, which would lead to everyone quitting.

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I actually think the meta now is alright right now just a few things
I personally don’t like Hanzo’s storm arrow does too much damage and seems like a better Mccree fan the hammer and the grav/dragon combo maybe raise his ult charge. I play console and Pharah/Mercy seems to dominate alot of diamond and above games and think a console specific nerf is needed somewhere other than that the game seems fine maybe the torb rework will change the meta but only slight changes I feel are needed on the currently weaker/low pick rate heroes

I believe you are incorrect. Let me be clear I believe, not everyone, not its a fact.

I believe this to be true for small variations of reasoning.

  1. Tanks cannot exist without supports. Not tanks cannot be played without supports. Tanks are not viable options if supports are no longer playable. Blizzard, in regards to Overwatch, have had a tight reign on supports which has only been becoming tighter as time goes on, with how powerful they are allowed to be. If Blizzard continues to nerf supports as they have this will be the eventuality. I do not consider Blizzard nerfing Mercy, and giving slight tweaks to the other supports as buffs, or evening out the support playing field.

  2. Support are less viable as long as damage continues to be buffed. Besides the initial McCree damage nerf to Fan the Hammer, there has not been a significant damage nerf in the game, ever. Blizzard changes Damage falloff, weapon spread and critical damage multipliers, that’s it. Most damage dealers now only have to contend with changes to sustain and utility. Very rarely does Blizzard touch their positive damage output, well unless it is to increase it.

  3. Damage dealers are all that is “needed” when the other 2 player archetypes are removed. Tanks create space. Supports define the amount of sustainability in the game. If you nerf sustain, which has been happening regularly, and increase damage being dealt, which just happened a few times over the last couple patches you are left with support players not wanting to play supports and tanks unable to do their jobs with the lack of support viability.

Damage dealers can create space, the tanks job, by killing the enemy. Damage dealers can remove the need for sustain, by killing the enemy. Blizzard has doubled down on many of the aspects of the three defining characteristics I just mentioned.

Don’t worry, I will bookmark this post so I can come back and say “told you so” when this becomes a reality for top tier content.

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I want a full meka squad meta. It just sounds really fun

i need a melee meta, fps is overrated
(new melee hero)
do it blizzard

I want a mete where Orisa and Symmetra are must picks.