What is your reaction time?

I’m not slow, I just choose to move with more elegance >_____>

When it comes time to strafe & dodge bullets I choose to do it more glamorously like:


It actually did. I got a 254 average with the lowest being 23X (I forgot XD)

My gaming mouse is a wireless naga. I just tried it with a wired naga, the averages were about the same, but I got a low of 219 with the wired one.

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You should adopt my technique:


XD Thanks, but I just wish this information could be more wide-spread. Like I wonder if kids diagnosed with Nystagmus (or other visual response delaying ailments) just practiced fast paced vision training (like Osu, etc.) every day, how much different their lives could be by the time they’re adults.

I guess it doesn’t matter that much, but 400 ms compared to 250 ms could be the difference of a baseball hitting you in the face, or you being able to register the threat quick enough to block it with your arm first.

And I’ve been hit with baseballs in the face. It’s not fun. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I’m around the 240-ish but I believe that laggy internet kinda delays my reaction time. Having constant lag delays the already laggy server updates to your computer which results slowing your reaction time to things by much.

This is soley reactions though. I got an average of 130 anticipating it and counting down after I saw the pattern. But I know damn well I don’t have 130ms reaction, it was all anticipation

By the way, interesting fact about all this. 110ms is “technically” the least any human should be able to score on this test. Well, even more than that, actually, since we’d have to factor in internet speeds and all that.

People getting hits of less than 110ms are actually predicting the green, even if they don’t realize it.

Anyway, there’s actually a really detailed (though long) video about OW and this very subject:

(Topic actually starts at 3:05 ish)
I recommend giving a watch if you find yourself with 20 mins to spare.


So you mean they either try to predict it or just randomly click?

Pretty much. :stuck_out_tongue: All the high scores on that page probably used a program to ping it near-instantly, too.

So … yeah, don’t feel bad for not getting -100ms hits. lol It’s technically not humanly possible to do legit.

I always feel like these sort of things are a bit iffy. Like, I’m around 190-210ms, but I can get it to drop a ton if I hold my mouse in stupid ways and fkn squint at-the-ready, but that’s not realistic.

For me,

Sometimes it is as fast as pre-nerf Baby Face Blaster Scout hitbox.
Sometimes it is as slow as a 10x Brass beast Heavy trying to rev up.

I got 395ms on average.

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164 on ryzen 1800x 10606gb wind force Acer z271 with tobii monitor
193 on a 2012 low end mac

two, maybe three…

I swear people are going out of their way to necro threads today ever since that thread lol


The website can’t even distinguish between average and median, I wouldn’t trust their stats.

The average (median) reaction time is 215 milliseconds, according to [the data](https // www humanbenchmark com/tests/reactiontime/statistics) collected so far.

Don’t use age as an excuse.
I am 47 and I score in the 160-170 range, which is in the same range as Dafran, one of the fastest reacting players I have seen (no comparison otherwise though :)).
Age will not set you back reactiontime-wise - at least not for a very, very long time.

No, the test runs locally on your machine.
Only your hardware (mouse, monitor) will affect the test beyond yourself.

It depends alot on your current state. If you are tired, you will get alot lower score. In my experience I can go from my fastest (160-170 range) to 200-210, just because I am tired.

I have also noticed that doing the test several times gets better results, as you get sharper.

Also, try playing a few games of Overwatch and then do the test. Your brain will be in a more alert mode and the result will probably be better as well.

Be very aware of your current state when you do the test.

Literally impossible