So in 18 years then.
227 MS average for me
Top 70 percentile, I can’t remember my score, 240 something? Seems decent. But this was on my work laptop (toaster) with 100 things running.
I’d bet internet speed affects this too.
312 was my average, but I’m using an old laptop. I’ll try with a mouse to see if that helps
Whats your fastest one-off?
I got this somehow haha:
It’s just weird that a 2 year age difference is this big a difference, I think I used to get 160ish on tests like these. Right now I can jump up and down stairs, WHAT IF I CANT IN ANOTHER 2 YEARS!!!
I averaged about .011ms.
My average is right around 210 ms. Not sure how much this current PC setup is adding though.
282, I am slow and bad.
How are you able to include images in a post? Wtf
238ms today after 10 clicks. It varies, though. I usually hit around 270-ish.
I hate to keep telling this story, because I feel people who’ve read it before probably think I sound like a broken record, but … I feel it’s worth mentioning to those that don’t know just how much video games can impact visual reaction time.
So, I was born blind, had some surgeries, was left with 20/200+ uncorrectable vision as the result (or in other words, “legally blind.”) Also have Nystagmus, which is a constant, uncontrollable jerking of the eyes.
So I have a few factors going against me in the vision department, none the least is visual response time (due to Nystagmus and having artificial lense implants that just - from what I’m told - do not work quite as fast as natural lenses to relay information to the brain.)
All that said, I knew of this test before OW. And my results used to be over 400ms. But two years of playing this game (specifically Tracer, tbh), as well as other games associated with getting better at this game, like Osu and Aim Hero, and … well, my score has reached that of about a normal person’s.
So I think that’s cool. Growing up, I was always told to pretty much ignore my eyes and focus on honing my other senses, but I always through that was stupid. Turns out I was right.
No reason not to work with what you got. Even a crappy muscle can be honed to work better.
Measured a Reaction Time of 344.0ms
my best was 388 ms
I’ll not meme for once and say that your story actually deeply touched me. And I never thought I’d say that about anything from this place. I can relate, having a relatively useless right eye myself.
Trust level 3. I can add images, gifs, and links. The basic requirements are somewhere around:
- 50 days visited
- 20k+ posts read
- X posts created, liked, and likes recieved
The first two are the biggest hurdles and are the most important. Good luck with it! If you’re normally active then you’ll get it no problem
Here is a link to check your forum level if you think you’re getting close.
I got an average of 281, looks like I’m pretty average
I’m going to do this on my gaming pc and see if my other mouse/setup will make a difference.
Ah, that makes sense. Thank you for the explanation, very informative!
I got 245. I’m 40+ years old though. I suspect when I was 24 I would have done better.
I averaged 201ms on this one.
I’m inclined to blame either the measurement or this laptop for some of the difference, since I’ve taken nearly identical tests before and normally fall in the 110-130ms range.
First time average of 260.
You start to anticipating it more than reacting to it the more you practice. I suggest people post their first scores to be more real