What is your reaction time?

I figured this could be a fun topic.

The test takes only about 20 seconds.

Despite the text below the test, the average listed on their statistics page is 284ms and the median is 273ms. See here: https://www.humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime/statistics

My best average score was 209ms. I got this my third attempt so it does help to warm up a bit. Also I suggest you do this on your gaming rig, as I did it on my laptop and it added like 30ms. (edit: got to 191 with some more tries I do think practice can improve your score a lot, even had some 150s in there)

Let’s see how OW forum goers skew the results, I’m willing to bet the average FPS player has better reaction times than the site’s global average.


I average between 130 and 150, with some outliers under 100. Depends on my setup of course. I use a G403 wireless which adds some notable delay in such a controlled environment.

EDIT: Just banged one out. Probably decently representative of my average, on the better side for sure.

EDIT 2: I should add some context I guess since other users are doing the same. I’m an 18 year old guy who plays mostly DPS heroes. I was diagnosed with ADHD two years ago and have been on medications for it since. The medications slow me down in game but speed up my reflexes a bit. I’m on my medications right now so the faster speed is probably due to that.


311 ms average for this support/tank player. But, this is done on my phone, if that has an effect on the hardware.

edit: on my computer, I averaged 214.

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Jeez, I hope I can blame my hardware for this 284 average.

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Normally around 170ms.
I believe the 215 average they specify on their site is the average without ping and latency.

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Averaged at 254ms. No idea how good my hardware is for latency issues such as with my monitor, such as I’m not using one of those 1ms benq monitors providing that effects anything at all.

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It does. (although those 1ms times are nonsense, even a great monitor will add 10ms at least)
Which is why these tests should just be a baseline to see if you improve.

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I got 340.0

Is that good? Or am I a sloth?

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190-230 :confused:
Getting older sucks.


225, best was 192.
Though I’m 34, dunno if age affects it much.

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I took the test yesterday I think, got around 240 average for visual. However for audio I got between 125 and 210. Meaning if I’m really on point, I can respond in a little over 1/10th of a second with a click.

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Our brain processes sounds faster than what our eyes can see ^^

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Well I’ve been gaming since before some of you were born!
*shakes fist at the young whippersnappers*


So have I you young hooligan. Now where’s my applesauce? is only 30


I’m 41, so I remember when there was no interwebz

I remember playing Red Alert 1 as a direct modem connect with a friend. Had to tell his father to stop answering the phone.

Average 283 ms, getting old…

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284ms, but I am 47. :slight_smile:

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198…I used to be able to get much lower just 2 years ago. :frowning:

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Complain again when you are 47. :stuck_out_tongue:


On the phone I am at 310, going to try it again on my computer later. I am currently 21 years old but I am trying to improve my skills in this game when it comes to reacting such as being flanked by a Tracer or Genji when I am playing Zenyatta and other heroes. Is there room for improvement at this time?

I average 170. I was laughing at some of the names on that leaderboard tho.
