What is your favorite/ least favorite hero?

Purely aesthetically speaking?

I love a lot of them, and it’s hard to pick just one, but probably Brigitte. I like that she is upbeat and kind, I like that she gets to wear armor that actually looks like armor (although I wish the waist looked a little less pronounced), and that she’s a feminine mechanic who can kick tail.

Honorable runners-up are Symmetra, Orisa, McCree, Zenyatta, and Ana (more battle moms please).

Least favorite is probably Reaper, just because edgy I AM DARKNESS vibes do absolutely nothing for me.

fav: Everyone except fortnite guy
least fav: Bap. There is no personality in his design. There is no memorable detail or pattern.
Tatto? A lot of characters have a tatto, and they are memorable. Roadhog has a pig tatto because he has pig face, Mccree and Ashe have deadlock gang tatoo because both of them were in this gang and Bap’s tatoo? I don’t remember how it looks because I don’t understand what does it means, same with Junk
Visor? A lot of characters have a visor. S76, Widow, Moira in scientist skin
Backpack filled with biotic fluid? Moira has same one
Maybe he has memorable gun? Nah, he’s shooting with Ana’s grenades

Though I personally like Moira, I must agree that I’m not a fan of her default skins either. (In fact, once I got the Blackwatch skin I have never taken it off.) The metal eye-patch thingy indeed looks a bit derpy and so does those “extra eyebrows” or whatever the heck those things plastered on her forehead are. Then there’s the random spikes (why would you have spikes at your waist, you could so easily hurt your own arms). It’s just a… messy design to me.

However, I do like her design otherwise. I like it how her face looks mature and angular, not another soft baby faced look like most female characters in this game. I like it how she actually has distinctive features and looks rather androgynous.


Favourite – Mercy, Pharah and Ashe. Hard to pick one.

Least favourite – Lúcio. Sorry, I just don’t like his aesthetics, he just has so much going on. Weird robo-pants and skates, bouncy tubes for hair? Plus his wallriding & jumping animations just tend to look weird to me.

You did not have to come for Moira as hard as you did

Peronally I don’t have a favorite or least favorite overall design. Individual skins are a different story. I think that Zarya has some of the ugliest skins in the game and Mercy / Mei / D.va have some of the best, especially Mercy.

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Sombra is the best. Who doesn’t love a Latina hacker who can teleport to infinity. Alternatively, Winston is dead to me. :face_vomiting:

Favorite is a tie between McCree and Ana. Don’t ever make me choose!

Least favorite is Mercy, even though I have more time on her than 6 or so other characters. She’s about as far from my style of gameplay as a hero could be, and I disliked people trying to force me to switch to her even though I practically never touched her.

Fav. Design - Widowmaker/Ana/Ashe/Zen

Least Fav. Design - Lucio/Symmetra (Symmetra’s nose bothers me for some reason, Lucio is just flat out weird looking.)

I like Lucio’s design in the OW2 leaks though.

Fav. to play - Ana/Zen/McCree
Least Fav. to play - Lucio/Moira/Reinhardt

Oh holy frick when did i make this? I mustve unlocked my phone by accident again for that to happen. But the odds of me getting to the forums, finding this post, and submitting this comment has me feeling suspicious myself

See when I mean ugly Moira it’s not that I don’t like different faces, but as someone who draws portraits a lot that chin is just no! I don’t even think that’s possible for it to exist? As well as just her animations and outfits look ugly lol

Yes! Also the fact that she can kick tail AND be sweet at the same time, while Zarya is cool and strong she’s quite masculine but Brig is still more feminine while being strong, she’s just such a unique and nice balance of character traits!

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I’ll have you know fortnite guy came out after 76 :triumph::rofl:

Lucio is a mix of so many things that make him look wonky lol he’s fun to play AND unique to look at, but yes I think he’s kinda ugly design

Yes I did, I am very passionate about my dislike of Moira’s dorito chin :triumph::rofl::rofl:

But poor monk- er scientist :sob:

Choose! Choose! Choose! :smiling_imp: lol I agree, i’ve developed a dislike for mercy too sadly :sleepy:

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Fav is Zenyatta.

Least fav is probably Tracer.

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That’s interesting that you like the new design, I personally think it looks weird, like his face is too stretched vertically? Might just be bc the leak isn’t a full image though

Yeah, I thought I was being trolled so I ignored it :rofl:

Ooh damn…I’d have to say a tie between Widowmaker and Ashe; they’re probably my favourite characters design-wise. I mean I love Mercy too, but Widow and Ashe have particularly nice designs which I love. Widowmaker is really sleek, I love her outfits - they really highlight her assassin/spy line of work and kind of remind me of the Catwoman outfit which is pretty cool to me. I’ve never liked “clutter” when it comes to the way characters look, so Widow really appeals to me with that. Then Ashe. Firstly, she’s really pretty. I know when she came out a lot of people were banging on about her design not being unique, but I never thought so. She looks awesome, and there was a time where I had my hair done to look like hers XD Secondly, her outfits are so nice. They’re very fancy and sharp, and that really appeals to me as well.

Oof…Who don’t I like the look of…? …I’d say Torbjorn, but that’s too easy so Orisa. She has a genuinely awful design which has given me an aversion to playing her since the day she came out. Her sound design (something I don’t even think about with most characters, but…well…) is horrible. I don’t even know how to describe every single sound from her footsteps to her weapon and abilities other than…cheap. Cheap and hollow. cLoNk ClOnK cLoNk - I hate it. Her physical design? …Bland. There is nothing unique or interesting about her design apart from the fact that you can see her feet, but honestly who cares? Considering Blizzard has some pretty talented artists one would think they could have raised the bar a little when making only their third post-release hero…