What is your favorite/ least favorite hero?

I like most of the designs, but D.Va’s probably my favorite.

Worst is probably Sigma. Bald guys are boring, and there was already one in this game. Two, even, if you consider Zenyatta, being a humanoid-shaped robot, is also bald. Sigma looks like that guy from Dispicable Me. Plus he’s got all that padding, thick gauntlets, but no shoes? Too top-heavy. And he doesn’t seem to have much of a personality. And he’s yet another scientist in a game full of scientists. We’ve already got Winston, Mei, Mercy, Moira… why are there so many? It’s so played out. Give us something new.

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Awe poor Orisa :disappointed_relieved: I think she’s so cute and sweet with her :slight_smile: face and the way she sits lol

I do agree about Ashe, I think she’s so pretty and wow! That’s so cool that you had your hair like that!

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Someone needs to put him back in a Zoo. :roll_eyes:

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She has come cute animations, but overall I can’t stand her design which is sad, but oh well…

:relaxed: It looked good if I do say so myself…but I’ve been trying to grow it out now though so goodbye, Ashe-hair…Maybe I’ll try and pull off Widowmaker’s hair next :stuck_out_tongue:

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I hadn’t even questioned how many scientists there are before :rofl:

But I think his personality is quite unique. He’s scary and obviously powerful, but there’s a sweet or just silly side to him too. It’s almost like he only fits with talon bc he’s being used as their villainous tank imo

I’ll put you in a zoo :triumph::rofl:

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Do it baby. I know the jungle. :kissing_heart:

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to answer this post for real, Torb is always a good design. my only problem is that its a really busy one. theres so much going on but it looks cool.

this only reaffirms my suspicions that Pale Moira is just the pre-evolved form of Banshee Moira


Waaa I have to agree with you there! Good hair is nice, you know?

Now that’s all I’m going to see lol

The problem is that Blizzard seemed to just…forget…about everything we saw in his reveal trailer. Where did the multiple personalities go? Where is the paranoia? Where is the instability? Now he’s just “My theories say…Science.” and that’s dull. Which is sad because I was REALLY looking forward to him at first. And yeah, his top-heavy design is really bad. I’m not a fan at all. Plus, and this is vain of me…but I’d like to see a few more attractive male characters coming out lol. Aesthetic design has always been important to me when it comes to characters.

I think he looks more streamlined. It could age playing a factor, as Tracer also looked a bit older/mature.

My least favorite is probably Lucio. Can’t stand that guy with his positive attitude.

Design wise?

Bastion, not so surprisingly.
I do agree that Mccree is amazing for a design in a futuristic environment, but Bastion takes it for me.


Firstly, robot with the largest gun, who doesn’t want to hurt a fly.

Secondly, it breaks down into the tiny details.
Which is why i LOVE how detailed Overwatch is with the tiny little things that almost no one sees.

Such as Bastion’s idle animations, Bastion’s walking animation from first person, and everything in between.

The subtle shaking you can see in Bastion’s right arm as if he’s an old rickety machine, the Reload which causes all of those old rickety parts to almost come a little loose as they function.

Then you have a stark contrast with Bastion’s Sentry gun, being a less used and well oiled machine internally, having not been exposed to the elements.
Reloading is quick as it can be, efficient, and seamless, the parts clicking together without even shuddering.

Then you have my least favorite…

Currently, Sigma.

His animations give very little towards his character, his voice lines are forced, and in general he feels like he was created around his abilities, not given abilities based on his character.

He’s a rip-off of Zenyatta, a Zarya fanboy, Reinhardt’s weird younger brother, and a Sym-clone.
Even Junkrat has reason to be envious.

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:frog: Lucio: “Look at this team, where gonna do great.”

:skull: Reaper: “Looks like it’s amateur hour!”
:female_detective: Sombra: “Your easily impressed.”
:video_game: D.Va: “Is this Easy mode? Is this Easy mode?”
:pig: Roadhog: “I killed someone for less then that.”
:robot: Zenyatta: “Joy to the world, How Disappointing.”

What about the fact that she has four of them? That’s pretty darn unique. I also think her right click is a cool and creative ability.

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I think my favorite might be Moira. Sarcastic jerkass evil scientist. Many people will not tolerate stupidity, but it takes a special one to suck the life out of stupid and give it to someone more worthy. It probably doesn’t hurt that I’m a genetics specialist myself.

Least favorite… Hard to say. I don’t really dislike any of them. Probably Wrecking Ball since I think he kind of breaks the game’s tone, but he has his own charm too.

Favorite is Mercy.

Least favorite is Junkrat/Roadhog.

Favorite Reinhardt. Gotta love the big melee armored knight type thing going, Its pretty cool.

Least favorite junkrat. He doesn’t really share the same aesthetics as the rest of the cast. He feels like a rejected loony toons character which doesnt mesh with the rest of the casts semi serious nature. Its very jarring. I have other problems with him balance wise but thats for another post.

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I’m talking about her aesthetic design, not abilities.

Favourite is Symmetra, based on her story, original concept art, skins and voice, abilities, weapon and weapons skills, and her ‘main’ colour :grinning::blue_heart::blue_heart:

Least favorite, Spamzo or DF… that is a hard one to choose between them, lol.
Honorable mention: Tracer.

I think DF should’ve stayed as this mysterious concept art and non-playable villain. His design, voice, abilities are a big NO for me!
…Spamzo… he only talk about dragons with the worse voice and keep spamming his lumber to arrows. Yikes. Worst archer hero I have ever seen.