What is your favorite/ least favorite hero?

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Yes! He’s the funnest hero imo, such a good design.

Design wise I really like Ana and Sigma.

Ana gets big points from me for being an elder woman. You almost never see elder women in games and Ana is such a cool old lady too. It’s also a nice idea to have a sniper healer. Her personality and story is nothing that special but I still enjoy her a lot because of how much she stands out in general.

Sigma… I like it that he’s weird. Plus I really love his story (I think it has a lot of potential for further development) and personality. Based on his cinematic many people seemed to expect that he’d be this “evil crazy scientist” but I personally love it how he kind of ended up being the opposite. Sure, he has his deranged moments but compared to the rest of the Talon cast who try to be all edgy and **** he comes across downright pleasant. Even a bit silly sometimes (e.g. happily does some derpy karaoke). I find this way more charming and interesting.

Least favorite… most likely Widowmaker. Her whole “sexy black widow themed sniper assassin” thing gives me these “Oh sounds like a stock character” vibes. Everything about her is just so obvious. Name, looks, personality, abilities, role… everything. She’s exactly like I expected the first time I heard about her. No surprises anywhere.


that’s a cool point, I definitely appreciate the pharah/ ana relationship it’s pretty complex, I hope blizzard can build that up more in the future

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I love baptiste so much…but yeah his outfit is quite hideous…like you said he’s pretty handsome, but when I saw those boots :face_vomiting: I was pretty disappointed, though I’ve gotten over it :woman_shrugging: I still like him and find myself trying to protecc him even when i’m the off support, big boy needs help too :disappointed_relieved:

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Blizzard’s writers caring about Pharah lore is an oxymoron :grimacing:


I really love Sigma’s personality…you described him perfectly, same about widow, which is sad because there are these small moments (like her hello) that show hints of personality, but overall she’s quite basic imo

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that’s sadly very true :sleepy:

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I totally agree!

widowmaker. i absolutely love her "aes"thetic.

least favorite? i rlly dont like baptistes clothes personally, theyre so bland

I think they both have bland clothing :face_with_hand_over_mouth: but they also both have really cool sprays :thinking: like Widow’s sprays are just so graphically cool imo

Favorite: Lucio
I like his chilled and positive personality. Being that music dude in a shooter that just always seems to have some positive vibes running is ironic but super enjoyable
I literally cant be tilted - not in the slightest - when playing this hero and no matter how bored I am, going Lucio usually lets me survive at least that one game of OW before I start playing something else again. Its like whenever I pick up that hero I just completly forget everything that might or might not bother me, almost like a drug without the addicting part

Least favorite… thats tough. There isnt really a least favorite one actually
There are some heroes I dont like scrolling through their fanart but as far as the heroes themselfs, there isnt really someone I would call “least favorite”

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mm you are right. i will agree widow is a cliche femme fatale but i love her interactions and bits of lore showing her still having some amelie in here. gotta gove my girl a lil credit :weary:

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I hard agree with this. Even IF i’m getting frustrated, when i’m Lucio, idk I just don’t give up, I keep pushing, but if i’m forced to switch off then…that’s when I run out of steam to keep going :sleepy:

oh yes for sure, I just wish there were MORE of those little bits of her personality, though I understand why there aren’t :sleepy::rofl:

Favorite: Genji
Any time there’s a fast, assassin style character that fights using melee or swords in any given series, I’m going to be immediately drawn to that character. Bonus points for ninja or cybernetic enhancements. I couldn’t care less about typical gun-toting characters, though dual-wield pistols have always been an appeal for me, which is why Tracer is a close second.

Least Favorite: Moira
Hate her lanky character design, hate her contradictory gameplay design, hate her gross, creepy fingers and demeanor. Talking about “Tell me how this feels,” she’s the main reason there will never be a teenage hero. She’d be registered as a sex offender. I hope Reaper is convinced to just shoot her in the back for what she did to him.

Favorite: Sombra.

  • I like her aesthetic. She’s the only character I know that makes sidecut hair look good imo. All that purple fits her really well and I love those little details of her complexion like her interrupted eyebrows and that little mole.
  • I like her personality. She’s mysterious, mischievous, joking and her body language is entertaining.
  • She takes up an interesting spot in the whole plot by being some kind of neutral macchiavellian loose cannon.
  • Her voice actress is just super duper amazing.

Least favorite: well OP, you explained it quite well:

I’d also like to add that I find that metal eyepatch (or whatever it is) pretty silly-looking and I find her ‘science first’-trope quite lackluster (especially when you know that GLaDOS exists and does it a million times better).

I can pretty much only stomach her in her Blackwatch skin, thank god I got it when it first came out.

THANK YOU, Her fingers genuinely gross me out like pls, don’t EVER touch me with those, they’re like? missing bones??

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Please give me that skin, I missed it both rounds :sob: so now I suffer when I play her :disappointed_relieved:

Best design: Zen. Everything just works and is so cool. Sigma ties if he wore shoes. They both float but Zen’s movement feels tranquil and peaceful while Sigma exudes force and is intimidating.

Worst: Moira. Weirdly lanky even by OW women standards (srsly look at widow and Tracer, Tracer is literally 70% leg). Her random spikes just look out of place even compared to spiky heroes. I don’t mind her being ugly or androgynous, I think it’s cool not every female hero is a supermodel or centaur/world class bodybuilder. But her outfit, her stupid naruto run, etc, is terrible.