What is your favorite/ least favorite hero?

Design/ Aesthetically which hero is your favorite and which one is your least favorite. (Only released heroes please)

No fighting! These are opinions just for fun, and it’s not about your mom so don’t take it personally :triumph:

My personal favorite design is actually McCree. Maybe it’s because i’m from Texas, but the whole cowboy shtick is hilarious. The fact that in a futuristic world with huge hamsters and flying monkeys, women who can manipulate light and REVIVE people…this fool decides to be a whole cowboy with nothing but a simple gun :rofl: Even his animations as he hops around or even when he dies and his hat falls off, it’s HILARIOUS. I love most all his skins too, he’s really fun, I miss playing him but I hate the speed change on his gun :sleepy:

On the other hand, the design I find the worst is Moira. I find her ugly, heck I’d go as far as to say hideous. Her chin is just…how did y’all let that happen, a straight up dorito chin…her kpop transformation was completely botched. And the way her hands look in first person are just so gross. I play her a lot (more than Lucio now, sadly :disappointed_relieved:) but I suffer through it so much because she’s just so ugly to me. Even her skins, I only wear her pale skin (the fancier one I forgot what it’s called) bc then at least her nails are fancy. Her animations I find so weird too, when I see a teammate moira running around or see the silhouette I shiver it’s so gross :face_vomiting:

Again, this is just a thread for fun, no balance opinions, what I found ugly, others may find attractive :woman_shrugging:


Most favorite - It’s a tie between Soldier: 76 and Mei.
Least favorite - None really, I think all of them are pretty darn unique-looking. None of them look “the least favorite” to me.


Hey that’s fair too! I also love 76 he’s probably my second favorite design wise, I know some people think he’s boring, but of all the “soldier” designs in games he’s so fun imo and his personality is quite silly.

I think they’re all unique as well…including Moira, she’s just the ugliest in my eyes :rofl:

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My favorite design I hard to choose, but I guess Winston? He’s just so adorable and I love gorillas

Least favorite is easily Symmetra, you can just tell she’s a jerk by the RBF


I love Winston too, he’s so fun…best tank maybe even in terms of design :eyes:
and I agree about Sym :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I didn’t play her for the longest time because she looked mean :rofl:

Favorite: Definitely Moira not only in character design but play style as well i just love her

Least favorite: I’m going to get a lot of hate for this but it’s Lucio his design just doesn’t work for me it’s weird that’s all


Actually. I’m gonna have to agree. I love, LOVE playing Lúcio, but his design is weird to me too, and like in some promotional stuff he looks so handsome and then in others he looks so weird :rofl:


Favorite Wrecking Ball
Least Favorite Symmetra


Most fun character
Dps: Mei or Ashe, when unconstested pharah
Tank: Zarya, Winston and Orisa
Support: Lucio and Ana

It’s so hard to say just one favourite but, least favourite would be hanzo and junkrat, because aiming and everything feels so different from other heroes

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Probably Sombra, she’s one of the ones where I prefer how she looks in her default skin. Appealing colour scheme, fun expressions and body language, even her hand movements in 1st person are fun to watch :sun_with_face:

Visually, Sigma’s really forgettable imo. The artwork in his origin trailer made him look cool but his 3D model looks different… awkward muppet-looking face with huge glassy eyes, his dangling red feet, dull colours. I love playing as him but he’s gross to look at.

( and I know you said release heroes only, but knowing his original design was Mauga makes Sigma’s visual design even weaker to me by comparison😭 that dude has so many unique features on his head alone )


Favorite: Reinhardt.
Always trying to do his best to honor balderich’s last words and to lead a life that will be sung about for ages. The shield every team needs with the fatherly qualities to help foster trust and respect among everyone. He is someone who I would really respect if they were real and who I would strive to emulate.

Least favorite: Reaper and Soldier 76
Too generic backstory for both of them, and their character is too one dimensional for me.

My favorite her would probably (not sure) be Widowmaker.

My least favorite: Well, I don’t have one, but if I had to pick I’d probably say Winston. Even though he’s my favorite tank, every time there’s a Winston on the enemy team, regardless of my performance, all I hear on the mic is

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

I think pharah is the most attractive woman in the game, underrated babe :sleepy:


My favorite hero design has to be Sigma. He just looks so cool with the suit he wears

Least favorite is Tracer, and specifically in the lightining skin. It really highlights how dumb her goggles look


She leaves everything to the imagination, so technically you’re correct.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,


I also love Sombra’s base skin!

Sigma is… yes, he’s weird, but his humming voice line is funny af and his tactical crouch looks so ridiculous I love it :rofl:

I happen to have a very active imagination, one that is shared by many seeing some online sites…

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See…I think the heroic super human protecter of the weak backstory for Reinhardt is just as generic imo :rofl: I’m worried one of those three will get killed off in Ow 2 though :cold_sweat:

Those new images of her, I hope they’re real, she looks SO much better without those ugly goggles imo :rofl:

Hamster has the most unconventional design. its loveable
Agree with moira, she’s like she never passed QA to keep in par with the rest and it shows here n there. Remember the early color flood too?

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