What is with the "buff genji" posts now days?

He wasn’t meta heading into double shield. Doom reaper, mei, then tracer ashe, or widow ashe, and then ashe genji. Then double shield dead.

It’s not even that.

Last time Dive was meta, Tracer/Widow was the much more common DPS duo, with Genji being the occasional flex pick. Things are exactly how they always have been.

Not the last one, the one before that.


Here is him as the #1 pick in GM heading into it.

Like, I think he should have his ult nerfed, and his base kit buffed, so that he can duke it up more and not be a blade bot. But like, he has been meta, and close to meta quite a lot since dive.

The last set of changes I think did him no favors though.

It does say anything about when the meta or graph was

September 10, 2018. Well after dive was dead. (as shown by Brigitte being a thing)

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It’s quoted in the post linked

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Uhh be advised that you replied in the other thread that’s 2 months old.

Lol I should have quoted it directly but I was like, I’m on my phone, I can just search up the last time I quoted it and link to it and there’s no way this can go bad right?

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People are more “IT’S DIVE IT’S HIS META!!!”

Yet forget Genji was the first to be swapped out during OG Dive too. Sure there was Tracer-Genji Dive, but there was Soldier-Lucio Dive where Genji was dropped. Pre-rework Mercy with Pharah Dive-replacing Genji and either Zen or Lucio. Then Genji also got swapped out for Sombra or Widow.

Dive isn’t “Genji’s meta”, it’s Tracer’s.

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Genji’s pick rate over the course of the game is 8 times higher than Mei’s AND he has a higher win rate. Please fight for Mei buffs too.

High diamond genji main here. He feels fine, he’s in the best state he’s been in in a long time. I would be in favor of a fire rate buff, even if it’s super slight, but he doesn’t need it and he’s more than playable

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Lack of sleep from RobotWizard shows otherwise. (sorry about that)


Something to do with a 1% pickrate in his most favorable meta.

Zen mains looking at Genji main begging for buff: “Weakling.”

Zen has a 3.7% pickrate with a 56% winrate. Genji has a 1.16% pickrate with a 53% winrate. They both need work.

If he’s so skillful, why do they need a buff?
Sounds like they lack the skill to use it.

I would prefer it if they nerfed Nano and brought Ana down to the level of the rest of the roster. She’s way too good and if she is proping up some bad heroes it’s better to kick out the crutch keeping them up so that you can see who actually needs help than to keep one hero around as a broken lynchpin that 3/4ths of the roster potentially rely on to be effective.

No, that’s not how it happened.

He got 4 buffs, then he got one of those 4 buffs reverted and then aother buff he recieved a couple months prior reverted.
The stance Jacoolest is referring to is that the buff from a couple months ago was more important and substantial than the 3 other buffs that he got in June that weren’t reverted.

Hope that helps.

So, in GM, the highest rank in the game where people are the most skilled, Genji has a 1% pick rate.


We should fix everyone including sym and bastion and genji

Honestly, most of us aren’t even asking for straight up buffs. I just want the thirty damage shurikens for not being able to damage boost blade. If his ult charge is problematic after that, nerf it as well.

i was just thinking about that…