What is with the "buff genji" posts now days?

yeah yeah i get it…
heroes that need more skills should be better than heroes that don’t…

but when genji was underpowered?
just because he got replaced in his own meta means he’s underpowered all of the sudden?

so we gonna nerf reaper and sombra now just to make genji viable on his meta?
and let sombra and reaper be trash?

at least genji is still viable unlike so many heroes that got trashed for being too good at there own metas.

and here is a fact…
you still can get value out of him.

if you looked at genji and compered him to other heroes that been meta before, genji is no where to be gutted.

look at mei or sym.
and be thankful that he’s still viable…

if genji needs anything its just a revert to his fire-rate and no more, and just because he’s not a top pick doesn’t mean he’s underpowered


no we need that genji buff he is unplayable.


On the net, you can never work out if someone means /s or not.


most of his existence

or you could just revert one of his nerfs

11th most picked dps in GM in a meta that favours him isn’t viable

typical “X hero is worse, so you can’t complain”


I agree, he’s fine. Top down balancing doesn’t mean you balance heroes for them to be the best picks in gm, you make them as viable there as you can, then you go down the ranks and check if there’s any place where it made them too good. If a hero for example is playable in gm, but takes over the game below diamond, you should 100% make them less oppressive down there, even if that means they’re barely situational in high elo. You do the same if the hero is overperforming in high elo as well.


I mean sombra should get a rework just because her design is garbage but genjis honestly fine the way he is. He got to keep half of his powercreep buffs so he came out of this better than alot of dps

This right here is how it works. i dont know why some people seem to think “top down balancing” means “top only balancing”. its just not reasonable to screw up balance for 90% of the players by balancing the game only around the highest levels. even if they are balancing around GM they are still looking for that good in-between balance where characters are viable at all ranks without making them overpowered in some.

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Because all the genji mains suck at their character meanwhile I get to play in masters with him off of 10 total hours on the hero. :sneezing_face:

No but seriously. They just aren’t good at the character.


Who is he mean to be attacking in this meta?

Like, Favors him is a pretty big claim.
Not all dive comps favor him.
Not all NON dive comps he is bad in.


I understand what you’re saying, but in my post there’s been a lot of controversial messages, I want to keep something clear. My objective with the post was to discuss about the character as a whole. His Dragonblade+Nano combo can swipe entire teams easily but his shuriken kit is unreliable most of the times. That’s why I want his Dragonblade to get nerfed and his shurikens to get buffed. I feel that Nanoblade is so op that they should increase its cost (or just balance it) and also increase Genji’s damage to 30. Just to reduce Dragonblade’s power and to increase Genji’s secondary fire power.
Reverting his fire rate back would only bring back the “spam right click to tanks meta”, and that’s why I dont consider being viable that idea.


Seem reasonable. I think that is a good plan.


He was never underpowered, he was just hard countered by Moira and Brigitte. Both of these heroes have received nerfs to their damage output and/or survivability. A good Genji player will roll Moira/Brig now.

He’s a mid-tier pick, Genji mains just aren’t happy that they can’t farm supports anymore.


That was my idea, but I think that in my post I didn’t express correctly, and some people missunderstood my idea, to distribute his Dragonblade power to all his kit. What I would do is:

Dragonblade cost has increased by 20% or more.
Shuriken’s damage has increased from 28 to 30.

They are bait posts
A hero with one of the most generous kits in terms of everything needs further nerfs not buffs

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Being able to wallclimb doesn’t mean to not need adjustments.

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Aaaand you missed the point again :smiley:


She did. That’s why it’s important to read correctly.

You need to explain that one. He got 4 buffs and 2 of them reverted - not nerfed. He came out with 2 sizeable buffs. Hog got 1 buff with 2 nerfs then got his buff reverted and has come out down 2 nerfs. Genji = +2, Hog = -2.

I wonder a) how did Genji come out worse off than before and b) how is it in any way similar to the crap they pulled on hog?


The power distribution in his kit was expressly reallocated to handle hitscans and he’s not, in a meta where CC is low, dive is high, and nanos plentiful. No one is stopping Genji except for his own mediocrity.

I still think the changes were a net nerf honestly.

Yeah I’m just not well reaserched nor do I remember it correctly. My bad on that one, I remember the narrative that either people were complaining about the nerfs because they put him in a worse state but forgot that he was still relatively buffed.