What is the weirdest hero name pronunciation youve heard people say?

Doomfist - Doomfus
Doomfist - Dofist

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??? this is exactly what i meant, rya is a single syllable, it’s neither riah or zar-ya, as ive said, same with japanese sound of a cat “nya” is not “niah”


the phonetic break is between the r and the y sounds (zer-YAH)

Not entirely true, Reinhardt says Bree-ZHEE-tuh, and he’s the one who gave her the name. :smiley:

Idk, some people be pronouncing “Winston” as “monkey” I just dunno how they mess it up that bad :thinking:

tbf I don’t know what I’m talking about, I’m basing what I’m saying on how it sounds to my ear.

Us swedes pronounce “j” as an “y” sound. So that’s why Junkrat can sound like yunkrat, or jump as yump etc :slight_smile:


but hes a scientist! :open_mouth:

SOHM-bruh, with a slight roll on the r. Just watch any of Carolina’s videos on youtube, and yeah, somebody mentioned the origin video, as well. :smiley:

Zarya pronounces her own name wrong btw.

BasstEon. :expressionless:

Hungarians do it too

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I was grouped with a guy who called Zarya ‘Zar -eye-ya’

i always pronounced
moira as moria
and before i was pronouncing pharah like parhah

Reinhardt being refered to as rain-heart.

i cringed.

I literally speak Spanish. Like, people always gotta argue with me :wink:


and Hanjo of course!

A lot of different pronunciations stem from different accents

lmao that’s so cute!