What is the weirdest hero name pronunciation youve heard people say?

besides how every other people say these names like this
ana - ena
brigitte - brigitte with an alternative T sound
hanzo - henzo
pharah - pherah
zarya - zaria
lucio - lusheeo

mine was jenji, he thought it was jenji because there was an E after G

another weird thing is that in Korea, Lucio’s name is actually luciu, u as in uber, but why ._.?

That is how you pronounce Brig-EE-Tuh’s name.

Genji - Gay-guu


Okay I’ll bite, what exactly is wrong here?


za-rya o
za-ri-ah x

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Brigitte - Bree-gee-tee
Zenyatta - Zonyutta (Also someone called his Discord orb ‘hurt ball’)
Mei - Mia


orisa - orissa
mei - mye
sombra - soambra
hanzo - …“handso”


Zenyatta’s orbs are now hurt ball and help ball to me. Thanks for that.


Some people in EU pronounce junkrat as yunkrat for some reason. I don’t know where they’re from, but it’s so cute lol

Also I once heard someone pronounce Symmetra as Seemeetra for some reason. That one was so cringy…


Hurt ball and heals ball, I don’t see the problem.

s*it i messed that up, you are correct i meant to write differently, ill swap now

Okay I still don’t see a difference XD

Reaper converted to Raper

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Baguette. I like it better than Brigitte though, so I think I will use Baguette from now on.

yare yare daze

ana -> ah-na
brigitte -> depends on the country since multiple countries use this name and have different pronunciation
hanzo -> ha-ahn-zo
pharah -> phah-rah
zarya -> za-rya not za-ri-ah

•Ana - Anna

•Brigitte - Bridget (and all alternative spellings)

•D.Va - DeeVeeAy

•Moira - Moria

•Zarya - Zaria

•Lúcio - Loochio/Lookio

•McCree - MgGree

•Sombra - Sawmbra

•Pharah - Fare-uh

•Orisa - Oh-Riss-uh (instead of Oh-ree-suh)

I remember seeing an old, old YouTube video where a guy called Mercy - Merky, and pronounced “barrage” in “rocket barrage” the same way you’d pronounce baggage.

Symetra - see-me-tree-a
moira - morea

Well, there are the people who don’t/can’t get used to pronounce the “H” sound so they say “Anzo” or “Enzo” instead of Hanzo. I’m guilty of that out of lazyness most of the time.

I have honestly no clue for Brigitte. There is probably a swedish pronounciation and an english one, and I don’t know which one is the correct one and even if I did, I still don’t know how that name is pronounced in either Sweden or in the USA. I just go with something between Breegeet and Breeyeet.

Other than that… I rarely heard people say the heroes’ names, so I don’t know.

What is the difference here?