What is the weirdest hero name pronunciation youve heard people say?

isn’t that how it’s pronounced, though?

No, it’s pronounced Sohmbra.

rya and riah? cmon now, it’s the same difference of people saying nyan cat and nian cat

So, it’s the difference between rye and ree?

That’s not how Sombra herself pronounced it in her origin story.

oh, i guess i misunderstood your original post, my bad, i’m just not understanding. sorry :joy: so, did the person over exaggerate on the “om” sound?

Lucio - Loo-shee-oh

whyyyy dey do dis

Dose Pokemon names count?

Back to topic Bas-tion
Gun-gu (Ginji)
Hansoap (Hanzo)
D.va (Dva)

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More - ruh For Moira

omg yes ima add that to the post

Half of the playerbase still calls Pharah “Fair-a”. It kinda bothers me but i never really bring it up.

…looks at comment…

rya is a single syllable sound not double


Literally the first 10 seconds she says her name. The “o” is pronounced “oh” like in the word “no”.

syllable, you know what it is, right?

I believe that’s her accent.
Now that I’ve reviewed it more from Jeff and the voice actress herself on her youtube channel, it seems like a weird middle-ground; not quite o as in “no” and not quite o as in “orange”.

Yes. I know what a syllable is.
How can rya be a single syllable, exactly?

Your Hurt Ball has been returned…

say it with me,

Zar-ya is a different pronunciation to Za-rya (Which is what OP said)

Incidently, if this is what OP meant, that’s not how it is pronounced in-game by the characters.

I was siding with you, I disagree with op

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