What is the reason why Hanzo can melt tanks?

Oh, so, my opinion is wrong because of association. Interesting opinion. It’s wrong, but interesting.

I never mentioned his interactions with his counters.

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Because if you did, you’d lose any momentum in the “Q_Q Hanzo” moment you’re in.

Dealing with ranged tank busters, and ranged instakill heroes is a big part of that.

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It’s not fair, but I’d wager one of the Devs really loves playing Hanzo and makes sure that his kit stays bloated and OP.

I just wrote in another thread how ridiculous it was for them to replace scatter arrow with storm arrow; from a game design perspective Hanzo has every advantage and virtually no drawback compared to most of the roster. He only seems relatively normal because several other heroes have higher mobility and if you don’t have decent aim (as many people don’t) you can’t take full advantage of his OPness. But someone with good aim and good gamesence can absolutely clown on people with Hanzo, it’s ridiculous.


Right, so your opinion is just “fingers-in-ears”.

Thinking isn’t for everyone, I guess.

Ranged tank busters, right. Landing SA with perfect accuracy to destroy a meat tank, is not an easy task. Dunno why you’re all acting like every Hanzo is landing SA headshots to kill every tank instantly.

If that WAS the case, then yes nerf him, but when he’s fine, and only complained about by people he counters (Not the entire roster as some claim).

Nope, I made points, you made upset noises towards me. He’s nowhere near as “OP” or “broken” as a small vocal crowd claims. I want to see you pick up Hanzo, and melt tanks instantly, or get all “lucky” headshots.

It’s all ways for someone to claim something not true, to make up for their lack of game sense.

Even if it’s only 475 damage, that’s still most the health stripped off a Tank in 1.5sec.

That’s still 318DPS.

Compared to a pointblank Reaper at 240DPS, which performs like 140DPS against armor.


And only good against tanks. So null point. You try landing headshots on someone like Genji or Tracer while they melt you faster than he so-called melt tanks.

No, I gave a point and you said ‘if you think this other thing, then you’re wrong’.

I didn’t say he was OP. I didn’t say ‘all lucky headshots’. Population of believers doesn’t make truth.

If all you’re going to give is a strawman, then you’re not worth talking to.

And fixing Tanks is more important than Hanzo.


tl;dr: Summary: Can’t counter what I said, going in on passive aggression and failing to make any counter points.

LMAO you have a very lacking understand of the interaction of storm arrows and tanks

Then fix the tanks by reverse the guttings done to them and leave heroes who are strong but not OP alone.

So you get rid of ranged tank busters entirely, except for maybe Bastion.

I’m not going to counter what you said because I don’t disagree with what you said.

You ignored what I wrote and accused me of believing something different.

You keep saying crap like ‘OP’ when I don’t think that.

Fun fact:
Hanzos backstory is he used too/2 be/b a fisherman/fishmonger

Fish joke

“Get rid of any ranged tank busters except the one that dies when looked at.”

Yeah that does not scream bias at all.

Fixing tanks and fixing queue times is not optional.

Whether or not 1 of 20 DPS is used by the top 3% of players, is entirely optional.

He is IF you have decent gamesence and aim; the thing is that most people don’t aim consistently well, they miss a lot of shots. If you miss a lot of shots you’re not going to be looking OP.

But that says nothing about the POTENTIAL of his kit; he has the ability to be ridiculously OP in mildly talented hands. Back when I learned to play him I noticed that he was really quite good as long as I maintained a decent distance from the enemy and didn’t give them the opportunity to kill me, and as long as I did that one thing they basically couldn’t take me down unless they had a sombra that could sneak up on me, and even then one stormbow arrow to the face and she’d be insta-dead.

The dude has a very bloated kit when you compare him to other DPS; there’s no reason this should be happening:

Stormbow is just too much. Scatter arrow was more ‘fair’ in that from a game development perspective he had a strong primary fire, very strong secondary ability (sonic arrow) and a random-but-potentially-deadly third ability. Now he just has strong, strong, super strong - that’s not how most heroes kits are built.

There should be an obvious ‘loser ability’ in each kit, and Hanzo has no loser abilities. Where’s his TP? His trap? His ‘lesser ability’ is not at all lesser, he’s got all good things.

Tanks will be fixed if they do three things. 1.) Global Damage Nerf 2.) Global Healing Nerf and 3.) Global Tank and Shield Buffs (AKA REVERT). That is what is not optional, but to you, being bias to the tank role to be a cure-all seems to be the optional route, and you can take it, but it’s not working man.