What is the reason why Hanzo can melt tanks?

Then why are Tracer and Soldier the best dps in the game.

Most of the damage creep is in the tank and support roster.
The dps roster actually for the most part deals less damage in general.
The only ones really being increased are soldier and somebody else.
The rest either just straight up do less, or are reasonable anyway.

The way you talk about Storm arrows is how some people talk about Sym turrets.
BuT SyM caN Do 300 DpS! With her max charge beam and turrets.

But turrets get destroyed and she has to charge up.

Yes Hanzo can shred a tank from full to 0. But if you have a braincell you won’t let that happen because you’ll use teamwork (something tanks sorely need to learn how to do because since nerfs to their defenses they are solely reliant on it.) or you’ll at the very least manage your own cooldowns for a good outcome.

Maybe even just DIVE SOMEBODY ELSE. Would you dive a solo brig? Or the solo Ana?
Ana obviously. So why are you going after hanzo in these scenarios.

If hanzo is in close range, kill him while shield dancing.

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That being said Mercy is also a huge culprit. Damage boost on hanzo/soldier/echo/pharah is just a cheap way to make sure shields break and tanks cry.

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Read carefully. “We” is referring to people who think burst needs to be toned down.

Eh, as a Winston player it feels lame when Hanzo melts you but also it really is just as simple as wait for Storm Arrows or just block the damage.

If you fail to do either of those things, then you have not done your job properly. It’s the same thing as dealing with a McCree. Either you do it right or you don’t do it at all, or you die if you do it anyways.

If you can’t get Hanzo as Winston, D.va, or Hammond, then Sigma is the next option since he’s the tank that deals with spam the best.

He was given tools to be able to attack mobile heroes. Turns out it makes him deadlier vs meaty, non mobile heroes. Who would’ve thought.

The only plausible solution is making certain attacks lack “penetration”. Like storm arrows have reduced output on tanks. This could also apply to other attacks that are mainly meant to deal with squishies and are a bit too useful vs tanks.

But it’s legitimately just changing something that is already dead internally, as tanks are going to be different in the next iteration of the game, which is in development.

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A sniper has no business having a tank/shield-buster ability at all. Ever, not unless it comes with some severe downside.


He requires very good aim, and you just have to stay away from him if he has storm arrow and let your dps do their job

Let me be as clear as is humanly possible:

I am in the camp that burst damage in general is too high at the moment, with Echo, Hanzo, and McCree being general culprits of it. If you disagree, that is fine. Please, feel free to articulate whether you agree with that sentiment or not. But understand that IF you accept that burst is too high at the moment, you can see why Hanzo is a symptom of this.

Tracer is the best currently (in GM anyway) because GM has been in a mixture of double shield and dive, and Tracer counters double shield somewhat well, and compliments dive very well.

McCree is more meta than Soldier. And Tracer deals 240 damage a second on a short clip of 1s, basically making her burst out 240 damage per clip and then reload. She’s definitely oriented towards burst.

Hanzo always seemed superior than widow in any way. His shots are silent too.
Idk why ppl have more issues with widow than hanzo. :woman_shrugging:

because in sniping range widow is deadlier, while hanzo only really gets value shooting corners on long range with the help of a sonic for timing.

You’d laugh at a hanzo on the widow spot on Illios Ruins.

Because Widow is able to dominate far longer ranges, alongside instant damage that Hanzo can’t really compete.

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Well their escapes puts more distance between them and their enemies than Leap and more instant vertical mobility that doesn’t require hugging a wall.
Plus they have more consistent damage with their hitscan weapons compared to Hanzo’s projectiles.

Considering the effective range of Winston and D.va, it’s effectively the same difference.

Out of range, is out of range.

Well, sure but it is not like OW maps allow for a lot max range shots.

Hey now, Tracer only puts out that much damage on headshots

Headshots on Tracer are certainly less reliable than on characters like McCree and Hanzo

Don’t exaggerate the point and use a character’s base dps as a talking point and then list what the potential is if it’s relevant.

OW maps, and especially recent ones, are pretty huge. If Hanzo can do well, Widow can do better.

But an instant 120 damage isn’t something to scoff, nevermind her 2.5x headshot modifier, so Widow doesn’t even need a full charge to kill a 200 hp heroes.

Something like only 3 storm arrows but 75 damage per arrow.

So after a 125 damage bodyshot he only needs 1 further bodyshot to total 200 damage but total damage of primary + SA is 350 damage. That’s a significant shift in strength away from tankbusting without being objectively worse at everything.

My mistake, I had thought tracer had a 2s clip, it’s only a 1s clip. I’ll adjust accordingly. I wasn’t actually refering to headshots

All 3 of those heroes cannot output good burst damage consistently. You can shut down their abilities with your defenses and both Hanzo and McCree are very divable targets.

Damage has gotten higher in the support and tank category especially tank category.
85 damage per swing on Rein
Zarya’s damage is lower but she retains the same highest damage output and got that buff that lets her damage be more consistent.
Roadhog does 165 per shot
Sigma and Orisa both do a ton of spam since they were introduced
D.va has gained micro missiles since launch in exchange for defenses
Wreckingball is a high damage hero.

Only winston’s damage is not higher.

Tanks do a ton of damage.
Supports like Bap specifically have also introduced higher damage levels to the game.

Meanwhile Mei is signficiantly nerfed, Reaper does less but more consistent, Hanzo does less (from scatter), Sombra is only more consistent, Ashe Widow and Cree were barraged with damage nerfs, Symmetra upon moving to the damage category got her beam, turrets nerfed with orb damage reverts. All buffs to Pharah and Junkrats damage were reverted. Echo has been nerfed multiple times now. Almost all dps do less than they used to.

Defenses were toned down but tank and support damage was not toned down with it. DPS were.

She also works in double shield. nerf her.

No. because double shield and dive do not favour cree at all.
Soldier works in double shield. Soldier’s pickrate even exceeds McCrees last i checked.

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A much easier solution is that OW2 is going have something like 20 DPS heroes, and ranged instakills on any hero is gonna be really strong given the lack of barrier spam.

And Overwatch 2 needs more Tank players than it needs Hanzo players.