What is the point of reaper anymore?

He is a DPS character, nobody cares about the arbitrary assignment, not even Blizzard themselves. And even if they did, it has nothing to do with balance. My point is that if you are running a composition, or want to use the accurate assignment, Reaper’s win-rate is in the lower half of DPS characters. In other words, as I stated earlier, “nothing vaguely special.” You cannot tell us that you are providing stats when those numbers convey our side of the story much more accurately.

I do not blame you. I would not respond either.

Huh? Your opinion. First it was “facts,” and now you are hiding behind the opinion card? Why so defensive, fam? You are a troll because you purposely misrepresented facts to bolster your argument when the real statistics deflate it.


Why isn’t Tracer getting buffed then? Reaper has a higher win-rate that Tracer… Hanzo… Soldier… Mccree… etc. A hero doesn’t need to have the highest win-rate in order to be good. It should only be worrying when they are significantly low like Sombra’s.

No, my facts are still true. I firstly stated my opinion, in which people felt the need to respond in a childlike manner. The real statistics do nothing but reinforce my point. Not deflate it. He has the longest time spent on fire out of EVERY hero. I just said DPS heroes… I guess I was misrepresenting them not in my favour.

just like your skill overbuff is hilarious

Ok. You clearly are lost for words so resort to toxicity.

keep using your broken bugged site hanqz

Better than only relying on my opinions.

well your opinion is that a trash hero is good so yeah I wouldent rely on yours

We need something to play when we feel edgy. Also edgy skins and voice lines.

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Tracer is blatantly overpowered if you remove Brigitte from the equation. That is probably why, the only relevant buffs would be to invalidate Brigitte as a hard counter.

I personally find Hanzo overrated (and I main him) whereas Soldier and McCree are trash. Hanzo is definitely good despite the lower win-rate. Soldier and McCree on the other hand… Wut?

His win-rate is special? That is a true fact? Please, elaborate.

I already affirmed that I agree, people are responding childishly, what did you expect from people who main an edge-lord that shops at Hot Topic? I cannot speak for everyone, but I am not a nice person and maybe, just maybe, that is why a terrorist dressed up as a school shooter emulating the Grim Reaper appeals to me. Not that much of a stretch, mate.

Reinforce your point of what? That he is a slightly above average “offense” hero? Okay, I guess I am not going to contest that. I already established why that is an utter joke, not because it is false, but because of how needlessly selective it is to paint a picture when you can easily see the real statistics. But whatevs, you do you.

Ha ha ha… Most time spent on fire? You are not even trying to hide it, at this point. I will admit, that was pretty funny.

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What? So why is her win-rate below Reapers?

His win-rate isn’t anything to be concerned about. It’s not like Sombra’s which is significantly low. It isn’t anything that should trigger a buff.

I don’t know where that came from.

Which is more than most can say.

Also don’t forgot, he has the 8th highest win-rate out of 15. So why aren’t people demanding buffs for those heroes? If you can’t accept statistics, I can’t reason with you.

symmettra and torb have some of the highest winrates in the gamestheir op Hanqz told me so everyone praise hanqz he made symm and torb viable

When did I say they are OP? If anyone here is a troll, it’s you. And I can’t wait for your suspension.

oh my bad you didn’t say op you just said reaper is great because of his winrate so youre saying bastion symm and mei are good heroes right hanqz

I said Reaper is in a good place. Symm and Mei are good heroes. Bastion can be good in low tiers but not in higher tiers.

nah torb has a high winrate hes fine sombra has a high winrate to shes fine as well

Ok. Goodbye. I am done with your constant whining. You are a childish toxic troll who gets all defensive as soon as someone challenges their opinion. Cya.

nope im just agreeing with what you said, you said heroes with a high winrate are fine good news everyone torb is fine because he has a high winrate

Brigitte counters her harder than she counters Reaper, if you ask me. Beyond that, Tracer is relatively hard to play whereas Reaper is easy as long as you have the fundamentals of the game down.

Honestly, I am not overly concerned with his win-rate period. For better or worse. I am just arguing for the sake of it. The real problems are fairly clear. His counter-intuitive design for lower levels of play and lack of presence at the highest level of play.

You accused the Reaper fan-base of being big meanies and I am offering an explanation. Most of us could care less about your feelings which is all you can argue with.

I guess. Lul. I am just not seeing the big picture as to why this somehow validates him being balanced.

I alluded to it earlier, win-rates are sort of irrelevant outside of fringe cases, especially when they come from a source that is so questionable. Perhaps if Blizzard released official stats, we could use those to discern the bigger picture. I am not huge on “sample size” statistics especially when you have to discuss the reason WHY those stats are the way they are and that is obviously impossible. It is just easier to look at why he is not being picked and his place on the roster, if you ask me.


And I have more than a good reason to assume so.

Apart from statistics. Which most people here defending Reaper have failed to provide. Letting their opinions get in the way of facts.

It’s the best thing we’ve got. I know they are not 100% accurate, but I’d trust it over someone’s opinion.

Yes I agree. There are lots of different factors that affect the statistics and there is no 100% answer until Blizzard releases official stats.

I am gonna leave this discussion here.

but you have to tell the world that symm torb and bastion are good because their winrates are so high

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