What is the point of reaper anymore?

Like even when enemy has 4 tanks reaper is still trash. he is pretty much only playable in nepal village.

it is time to give reaper something good. armor penetration gonna be a good addition.


Spooky memes.


I think Reaper really needs to be given Armour piercing rounds, if he needs ANYTHING, its that.

But like
i mean
its pretty easy to destroy with Reaper if you’re landing the headshots so lmao


It’s funny you say that because the game I just played I carried with him lmao.

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He isn’t a tank buster.

I don’t think Reaper needs any changes. I personally think he’s fine and pretty powerful in good hands.

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yeah i won couple games with torb the other day he is balanced i guess because of that.


He’s good for letting people with less than an hour played as him going to the forum and say he’s fine.


You can make that argument for literally every hero in the game. Good luck headshotting consistently with Reaper when his weapons are dictated by RNG.


Reaper has a massive spread radius. It’s almost impossible to miss a shot, let alone headshots.

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It’s literally not that hard to hit headshots with the shotgun character…

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You both clearly don’t know how shotguns work.


If his damage was consistent, he would be way too powerful. They are shotguns. They have spread.

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How do you consistently hit headshots with the random spread and severe range penalty? Do not get me wrong, when you are lucky, it definitely works. But I do not find that to be a practical solution to him being lackluster in the same way McCree can still be viable as long as you can land shots.


All the bronze players think reaper is op.


McCree doesn’t need to be right up on peoples’ faces to hit head shots.
Don’t get me wrong, Reaper has his issues, but he can very easily literally one shot people, and it’s really not that hard to hit at least one head shot with him .

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Reaper’s spread is actually broken. I think a few other hitscans are too.

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Brigitte main affraid of reaper buffs lol.


That is precisely my point. Being right up in people’s faces, with that big of a hit-box, is a DETRIMENT. McCree is pretty bad, but at least he can stay at range and if you are relatively skilled at aiming, he can work. Reaper, regardless, is going to struggle because his design is counter-intuitive. Similar to Doomfist, honestly; however, he has insane mobility and CC to compensate for it and even then, that does not help Fist out too much. You can imagine Reaper would literally be worthless without wraith, which is the only part of his kit that is not terrible. In fact, wraith is somewhat overpowered if you ask me, but that is totally fair when he struggles to do the bare minimum unless people are not looking at him.

I genuinely have no idea how much experience you have with Reaper; however, statements like this make me feel like you pick him when a point is being overwhelmed or something and you are walking up to a D.Va who is busy trying to snipe someone from the other side of the point while she just stands there and lets you hit her head. It is NOT that easy if you have ANY space between you and your target because the spread is ludicrous. I am going to make this clear, I am not trying to be rude.

If. You. Point. Right. At. The. Head. The. Pellets. Still. Spread.

Ya jive?


I literally constantly advocate that Reaper needs to be given armour piercing rounds.
And I’m a Symmetra main get your facts straight :woman_shrugging:




Keep talking without knowing.