What is the point of reaper anymore?

This is the only fact I need.


And not what you want to say based on your feelings.

Reaper was in a sad state well before Brigitte was introduced and for the most part, she is not nearly as impactful as when she launched as people have adapted to her and learned that she was a bit more situational than they thought. And yet Reaper has not observably improved.

The problem is Reaper. Not Brigitte.

as you post on an unranked account

He hasnā€™t been trash though is the thing his pickrate fell off in GM and such where he was situational sure but the same can be said of pharah who this fourm always cries about as op

nope hes been complete garbage since season 2 ended

This account itself was 3300 last season excuse me for not bothering to place yet some people have lifes outside of ow

goes to show you havenā€™t played him

meh I havenā€™t placed either its prob going to be like 3.9

He is just so bad against Brig. Sombra, Tracer, Genji and Doomfist can outplay and even kill her, but Reaperā€™s entire kit is just nullified by Brig.

Honestly thatā€™s a bit concerning.

Heā€™s supposed to be the tank buster since his shotguns seem to be made for that, while his kit doesnā€™t exactly allow him to subtlety get into the back line to shoot anyone else.

I guess thatā€™s sorta his entire problem now that I think about it.

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I really donā€™t know where you are looking. Out of the old offense heroes he has the third highest win-rate. They merged 2 classes together. What do you expect? Of course his win-rate is going to go down due to more competition.

When someone puts it like that, I will reply. But I am not going to reason with people acting like 3 year olds.

How am I a troll? For stating my opinion? Sorry. I guess thatā€™s not allowed. And I am sorry itā€™s different to yours. Therefore making me a troll.

Oh I like your 10 minutes in comp on Reaperā€¦

it shows you havenā€™t played him if yo uactually think hes good

nah this is my gm account I dont want it going back to mid masters which would happen right away if I picked one of the worst heroes in the game

so no you havenā€™t ok

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I donā€™t have time for petty excuses. Before you call someone out on their time played, check yours. I also donā€™t consider 3 hours on Reaper in QP a lot either tbh.

m8 ive been top 100 reaper several times idc what you say its obvious to anyone thats reading your posts as you go on and on about your total mayhem games that you dont know what youre talking about

In GM sure heā€™s only been a decent pick in a couple seasons as a situational surprise pick usually doing well in that role. But from anywhere until as you said mid masters heā€™s very strong. Aside from that it isnā€™t like reaper mains canā€™t get GM I know a couple myself.

nah hes complete trash above mid plat

Never said I played total mayhem. Here you are again, making things up in order to sway the argument in your favour.

oh got it your mystery heroes play time ooooo so important