What is the point of reaper anymore?

According to Overbuff, This week Reaper has both pickrate and winrate below average. In addition, In Quick Play, he is the third least played hero, above only Bastion and Torbjorn.

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Bastion and Torbjorn are more situational whereas you could always use a tank-busting flankerā€¦ If he did those jobs well. I imagine, despite how alluring his potential dual-role is, the problem is that he does not perform them adequately. However, this just reminded me of the point of Reaper. He is there for hipsters to feel pride that they are low tier warriors. I solved the case!

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Reaper needs a buff but not that one.

I gladly choose being toxic instead of being an idiot like you.


They had a Zarya, Reinhardt, Pharah, Mercy, Zenyatta, and Hanzo. 3300 SR.

Since they had a Mercy/Pharah I just wiped their ground team and left their Pharmercy to die.

sounds like a really bad hanzo

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Reaper is doing well on consoles and at lower levels of play where players donā€™t have the best game sense and map awereness. That said, he is just too ā€œobviousā€ to perform against good players imo.

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unfortunately a large portion of the forum plays at lower levels on console and pc and think reapers goodā€¦ when hes trash

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Iā€™d like to see those statistics.

I donā€™t know how many times Iā€™ve won games at high SR because the enemy team decided to triple tank or something similar. And if you canā€™t kill an Ana/Zen/Mercy in their backline and shift out to your healers, it sounds like a personal problem more than a Hero problem. Heā€™s only good if you know how to play him. Not to mention most players aim at their heads instead of their necks, or fire off shots when theyā€™re flanking instead of sneaking up close first. If they donā€™t see you, you might as well walk up and 1 - 2 shot them.

He just got a pretty large buff for whatever reason so shh

Reaper is the best character, shut up.

Since Brigs release Ive kind of switched off him. Quite frankly Roadhog does reapers job better than reaper and thats saying something because Roadhog is in an absolute state right now too.

Yeah Roadhog also referred as better Reaper in upper ranks. What annoys me is the clear truth is there without a doubt but people say ā€œhE iS FiNeā€.

yes, make the most brain dead character even more braindead.

I am bronze and I laugh at reaper

Laughs in Brigitte and Doomfist

bridgette is the 2nd brain dead, and doomfist is high risk high reward.

but junkrat is like 3, my best main.

I thought these were fixed?