What is the point of reaper anymore?

There we have it. ‘Very friendly and relaxed gentleman’. You are ignoring me because you’ve been faced with facts.

Sorry what? What? When did I say that? I didn’t know having an opinion meant you considered yourself to be better than other people… My bad. I showed you some statistics.

Resorting to calling me a troll after being shown statistics. It’s funny you’re accusing me of being a troll, who hasn’t said anything rude to anyone in this post. Yet you’ve got people here rank shaming, harassing and just being rude to people with opposing opinions.

I feel like you’ve never played with a high-level Reaper before. I hope you get to someday.

While i agree lifesteal isn’t intended for the squishy fights it certainly makes him very difficult to 1v1 at close range even if he doesn’t 1 or 2 hit

well yeah in gm he has a 0.48% pickrate I rarely do see one and when I do he switches right away

Heroes like Brigitte, Tracer, Genji and Hanzo can easily 1v1 Reaper.

Also, Spirit, Number 1 Reaper player in the world, often says in his streams that Reaper is garbage and should be buffed.

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the people who are against reaper buffs are usually just not good enough to kill him.


just like hanqz lmao

Just give Reaper tighter spread and he’ll be good. Of course, then the enemy swap to Brig and he got rekt.

oh yeah that reminds me he doesent even 1 trick reaper on that account any more w8 uh new season started nvm…

I didn’t just mention my boyfriend but myself as well i’ve got like a 60% winrate on reaper across accs picking him in games i’m already losing. he’s great for bailing me out of games i wouldn’t have won without him

Here we are again. Avoiding the statistics. You’re the one being rude to people with different opinions to yours. This is the forums. Don’t post if you don’t want people to share what they think. And if you are rude to them, expect them to be rude back.

Proves my point.

nah half of your original posts about reaper were about dying to him in qp or arcade and going NO HES FINE CAUSE HE KILLED ME

I mean, i main Pharah and Widow as DPS and Ana as Support. I have no issues with reapers.

yeah those low gold games just like I said

Brig is the whole issue it isn’t that reaper needs buffs it’s that brig is very meta right now and the armor situation makes it hard for him to operate optimally.

Again i’m mid diamond

You are literally lying about Reaper’s win-rate. If you want to confront us with facts, you are going to need a bit better than selectively picking irrelevant stats. There is no offense category anymore and their arguably never was. Out of the DPS slot, he is NINTH this week. That is BAD. Distorting the facts is not helping your case and nobody is convinced.

His point was that you clearly do not understand the character and therefore any opinions coming from a perspective that is implied to be knowledgeable is about as pointless as Shadow Step.

Fair enough. You are still a troll. But it is pretty clear that this is not a one-sided issue.

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That was in 1 post… Please don’t make things up to justify your pointless whining and pestering.

I have no problem discussing Reaper with people who are not so easily triggered when their opinions get challenged. But when you act like a 3 year old, I find it almost impossible to reason with you. You just insult, after insult after insult.

yeah you know those other 10 seasons triple tank dive etc he was trash then

w8 have you decided to play reaper in comp yet ohhh no you haven’t just keep on talking about your arcade qp games like they actually matter