What is the point of reaper anymore?

torb has the highest winrate in gm BEST HERO EVER

ā€¦yes? He is well suited for that. He can most certainly operate as a flanker in many situations.

sounds like players with terrible gamesense and situation awarenessā€¦

Because getting to said squishies in the first place is hard if they pay attention to their surroundings, and there are safer picks to do that anyway like Tracer and Genji, who are nimble enough to flank reliably.

As for the lifesteal mechanic, it is not that strong. Itā€™s nice when fighting against tanks, but against a target with a small hitbox like Genji or Tracer? Itā€™s worthless.


Iā€™d say the same about a Reaper who canā€™t flank.

Lol iā€™m a mid Diamond player but cheeky insult buddy. Reaper is fine

in your low gold games got it

Sorry, did you say very friendly?

No, you need to learn to understand that people have different opinions to you. And to not throw a fit when someone does. You are trying to avoid the statistics just because he is your favourite hero. Facts donā€™t care about your feelings. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve said anything disrespectful, Iā€™ve merely stated my opinion. It isnā€™t my problem if you canā€™t take it. Sorry.

You have been full savage today lol. Anyway yeah Reaper needs some sort of buff without making him broken. Hopefully he stops being a trash tier hero someday.

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if youre constantly getting flanked by reaper its definitely your teams fault

Itā€™s better if we just donā€™t reply to this person with 1 hour as Reaper who has the audacity and arrogance to consider himself better and more knowledgeable of the hero than the people who main him.

Furthermore, is there an APAC 2018? Because, Boy did i love APAC 2017, When Reaper was the lowest picked offense hero in the entire tournament, with a tournament so low, that both Sombra and Doomfist (back when he was garbage) had double his pickrate.


Or the reaper positions themselves very well?

yeah that guy is clearly troll. stop replying to it.

yeah with his trash mobility and ear shattering footsteps hes the best flanker

Again, you can make that argument for Bastion and Torbjorn too. If they position themselves very well, they will dominate. Does that mean that they are fine?

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You could say that about getting flanked by any hero. Not everything works the same on paper as it does in-game. Reaper is more complicated than he seems.

Lifesteal is literally worthless against squishy targets, that is probably why. It only gets value when farmed off of tanks that already have their armor stripped.

He is not great at flanking. At least not in the same way that all of the other flankers operate. He functions similarly to Sombra, just without the get out of jail free card outside of certain corners where you might be able to get a quick pick and wraith back to your team or a health pack. Staying in the backline for prolonged periods of time is impossible if their team knows what they are doing.

As for why nobody mentions his power against lower health targets. Idk, we are complaining about his weaknesses, not his strengths, that is up for the ā€œanti-Reaperā€ crowd to assert. I am relatively happy with that myself, outside of the RNG spread.

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Well my boyfriend is a reaper main and across my accounts, heā€™s about my 5th most played hero I believe. If a Diamond and a Master think heā€™s fine and abuse him to win games we otherwise wouldnā€™t Iā€™m not sure why a platinum canā€™t

yeah if youre constantly getting flanked by anyone other then like sombra genji df and tracer it definitely is your teams fault

my top 500 girlfriend sais hes not fine