What is the point of reaper anymore?

He’s better than Hanzo when he can get it range of the tanks. Reaper’s problem right now is that it’s really hard to GET in close because of all the snipers.

Hanzo can be stopped with barriers and such. Reaper has to be close enough to do his job that he’s able to just walk through them. He also has his wraith escape in case things don’t go his way.

I wouldn’t call Tracer a tank shredder. If she’s running around in the tank line long enough to kill one, people aren’t shooting at her enough.

I’m sad to see such little confidence from you : (

The thread I linked from the old forums was the “megathread” for all Reaper buff ideas. Maybe we should open a megathread devoted solely to Reaper on this new forum so that Blizzard might see more easily our suggestions, and act accordingly.

Also, Overbuff became a joke after private profiles, and it doesn’t show the statistic of all players in Overwatch, only that of players registered to that website.

its ez to kill reaper as a tank if youre letting him get that close to you your dps are as bad as u

Ugh… Not sure about win-rate. If that is the case, good for him? However, the eliminations are because of spread. You can just pepper people at range and realistically that is all he can afford to do if he is not in position. The damage, well, yes, he does deal a lot of damage to tanks. Not enough to “bust them” but enough to secure that gold medal with great consistency. As for objective play, again, that is WHERE you play Reaper. If you are fighting for a point, in close quarters, he is going to get objective elims.

This is the part where I defy my DPS soul and tell you that medals do not matter. As for win-rate, I wonder what could be the cause of that other than the standard “people are picking him where he works” argument. But third highest is pretty ridiculous. I am going to check it out myself.

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so if you wanna talk about stats where are torb nerfs at ?

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There’s no reason for a tank to be killing Reaper unless it’s Roadhog and he lands the hook on him. It should be an easy melt in every other situation once Reaper’s managed to get in range.

Strange, because it is widely-aknowledged that Hanzo’s Storm Arrows is an hard-counter against Winston and other similar tanks. As for Tracer, she is basically Reaper (flanker with weapons very good at medium/close range) but much better, because she has the mobility to dive the enemy backline and reliably get away.

I love Reaper, every aspect of the character, I truly do. But why delude myself? Reaper is flawed. Because I love him so much, I adore him, It is important that we talk about these issues so that the developers can notice them and act accordingly.

What statistics? I just quickly checked on Overbuff, and he is 7th DPS. That is not counting Brigitte or Zen, which I really wanted to count, lul. Where are you getting these?

No, It’s not that easy. All tanks have ways to get away from Reaper (Winston, Wrecking Ball, D.Va), oneshot him (Roadhog, Reinhardt), kite him around (Orisa). And then there is Brigitte, the Support/Tank hybrid who hard-counters Reaper.

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Please do check it out. You can say ‘this is the reason he has X highest win rate etc’ but the fact is. He does. Whatever the reason.

Torb was seen as a troll pick. Only useful on defence. Hence the rework.

Reaper is also a hard counter to Winston. Less so to D.Va than Hanzo is, though, because it’s easy for D.Va to matrix away his shells and wait for him to reload to tear him up. Hanzo doesn’t have to reload, so there’s not really a way for her to shut him down so easily.

I’m going to play lots of Reaper for my next comp session as a result of this thread. I’ll share tips with the world if it goes well.

reapers seen as a troll pick in anything but your arcade games


i mean stats show him as op so he needs nerfs.

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His only point it to

This week. Offense heroes. Win rate. Reaper is third highest.

You are Master, very close to Grandmaster. Don’t. Reaper sucks at those levels. It is a pretty aknowledged fact at this point that Reaper shines only at the lowest levels, so bronze and silver.

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Stats show him as OP because he has one of the lowest pick rates ever.

Reaper is fine my boyfriend is a flex player who used to be mid master plays most hero’s at a diamond level but when we plays reaper he looks like a GM. Problem is he is bored of Reaper as it feels easy and autopilot for him.

Isnt it interesting that people who say Reaper is fine are the same people who never played him or only played him in qp/arcade couple of times?
Really play the character all the time for a week in qp/comp and come back here and say “he is fine”.
Can someone please explain me how a character is fine when he have one of the lowest pick and win rates in the entire game.
I have close to 200 hrs on him. And here is the fact HE IS NOT FINE. Take your bullsh.t opinion with you if you dont touch the character enough. Your opinion worthless and make you look stupid nothing more.


and reaper’s pickrate which was 0.13% last time i checked is not low ?