What is the point of reaper anymore?

all you do is whine about being killed by reaper in arcade when you dont even play him


Yes but they don’t have spread like Reaper’s guns. And Tracer’s damage isn’t instant.

yeah it is its hitscan gosh youre just…

That’s not what I was saying. Reaper can 1 shot, Tracer cannot. She has to go through her entire clip to kill a 200HP target.

Shoutout to this thread from the old forums.

reaper has to be at pointblank range so unless you just bought the game this is never going to happen to anyone like I said what were you doing as moira lmao throwing…

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How? You are just contradicting yourself now. If he has spread, and that makes him miss when you have your cross-hair perfectly centered… Why would he need changed if the spread was fixed? What changes? Why does RNG magically balance him? What is that supposedly accounting for? His worthless Shadow Step, his ultimate that has arguably the most counter-play in the game and does lower DPS than his primary? The passive 20% heals that do not sustain him in any situations where a tank is not enjoying their massage? His massive hit-box and loud foot-steps.

What is RNG keeping in line? I doubt it is wraith, because it took them about a year to add the cancel and additional movement speed that finally turned it into a decent ability.


Yeah because one game carried means the character is fine and balanced
We don’t even know what rank, what the enemy used, what map or anything else. Completely valid point that Reaper needs no changes.


He’s still the best tank deleter any time I see him. Giving him any kind of damage buff would be dangerous because he’s already going to melt any tank he manages to get in range of pretty easily if he knows what he’s doing.

He’s having a tough time overall because of snipers and such, but I don’t think he’s underpowered by any means. That’s just the meta for you.

I don’t think he needs any changes to his gun. I was saying if they were to change his RNG. His RNG is what people are complaining about. I also never mentioned his ult or his passive.

Reaper does not need armor piercing. Armor is the mechanic designed to counter heroes like Reaper. Giving him a way to negate what is meant to counter him is pointless.

They need to fix the hitscan rng issue he has (as posted above).

Speed up is Shadow Step animations by 50%.

Give him his Dusk Grenades as an alt-fire that creates an AoE black smoke cloud that lets him and his team see silhouettes of enemies within the cloud (but not through cover). This would give him an escape, way of entry, a way to move in wrath form undetected to kick a target, and a zoning ability.

Counter play includes Hanzo’s Sonic Arrow, Widow’s infra-sight, and AoE effects.

Fix his issues and add that and he will be much more viable.

He’s the best tank counter in the game, yet he was hardly ever picked back during the TRIPLE TANK meta?

Let’s not kid ourselves. Reaper is far from being better than Hanzo and Tracer at shredding tanks.


hes been trash in every single meta since season 2 ended its ez to kill him as a tank if youre even somewhat competent

Yeah, I remember during triple tank. His pickrate was close to 100%.

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if only that was true rix lol

Reaper has the third highest win rate out of all the DPS. Averaging the most amount of eliminations with his Primary fire out of all the DPS. Receiving the most amount of medals each game out of all the DPS. Spending the most amount of time on fire out of all the DPS. And that’s only this week.

Precisely, it was designed to counter heroes LIKE Reaper. However, Reaper is intended to be a tank-buster and the largest obstacle is naturally the armor that heroes that Hanzo more or less ignore making him objectively better at the job, especially in Brigitte enabled compositions that are relatively common.

I still enjoy your suggestions, however, and if I can deal with tanks and Brigitte now, I would definitely be able to with those adjustments, so I am not complaining on any level other than the developer’s counter-intuitive design. Molly stated it earlier, they do not know what he is supposed to be, if they can commit to that, he will be picked in those scenarios. As of right now, he is in limbo and you really only want to run him on specific maps or if their tanks are oppressive and Hanzo is already selected. Even then, most people would probably prefer Junkrat for burst, if they had a Zarya, Tracer is still probably higher on the list of preferred heroes because at least she can stay alive long enough to do damage and stay out of their effective range.

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dude you are joking right ?

much like hanqz overbuff is a huge joke

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I’d rather go by statistics rather than someone’s opinion.