What is the point of reaper anymore?

Reaper is there to be the bad guy that’s so bad that he’s a joke.

But hey being D/F tier for so years isn’t two bad :neutral_face:


Oh the toxic guy again who doesn’t understand people have different opinions to him. I’m not replying to you anymore since you act like a 3 year old.

And to everyone else, shotguns aren’t supposed to have consistent damage. They do high damage and have high spread. Otherwise it would be ridiculous. Reapers can carry games. While maybe his shadow step could use a change I don’t think he needs anything else.

he can carry your bronze level arcade games hanqz hes trash against good players so not you

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I think you’ve just shown yourself up. I will have normal discussion with you when you decide to stop acting like a 3 year old, bringing my rank into it, making stupid accusations and using false information to justify calling my opinion wrong.

you only play arcade and qp and you think reapers good because he 1 shot you as moira your opinions on balance are a joke and anyone who thinks reaper is good is a joke 2

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I also play Competitive. I don’t have to have 500 hours on Reaper to have an opinion on him. That 1 hour is Quickplay only. And that is not my only argument when talking about Reaper. You keep repeating the same thing because you have no other valid responses. You failed to answer the rest of my arguments. So goodbye.

right all those hours of you carrying as reaper in ARCADE LMAO mean so much


I mean you do gotta actually play him a bit though


nah they got 1 shot by him as moira in qp thats all they need


Yes I understand that. I have more time on Reaper other than Quickplay, which is all he brings up.

yeah all those mystery heroes and total mayhem games what a joke

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It is his original role, but lately he is consigned to diving the back line and occasionally actually taking on wounded tanks… if there is no Brig to teach him manners…

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and being trash at doing everything and being extra trash with braindead brig running around


You are just blatantly wrong, however. This is not a matter of opinion. You put your cross-hair perfectly centered and pellets will still miss. Account for factors such as range, movement, latency, and you have yourself an extremely inconsistent character that could one-shot a Tracer from 10 meters or take eight shots from 10 meters.

Yes, they are… At close range. Shotguns are literally designed to be consistent up-close. In close quarters combat. For the reasons YOU stated. It is hard to miss pellets if you rub your shotty on their shotty if you catch my drift.


Am I surprised that Reaper has barely ever been picked in the World Cup so far? No, Why would I be? I am extremely comfortable in saying that Reaper will never have a place at any level above silver.


Because they are shotguns. They have spread.

I understand what you mean. But if his guns were accurate 100% of the game he would be 1 shotting people a lot more. Something else would need to be changed if he was to have his RNG changed.

a lot more yeah it might surprise you but most ppl never get 1 shot by reaper ever not sure how you managed to as moira lol

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This thread has become so full of salt :sob: #ReaperIsTheNewMercy?

But to answer your question OP, Reaper is currently stuck between two niches. Is he an assassin, or a brawler?

Someone in the devs’ office can’t quite decide what Reaper should be, so as a result he’s mediocre at both roles.

I believe he needs to find one role, and stick to it well.

SHAMELESS PLUG! I have suggested two different ways to make Reaper a little better at one of those roles!


Can you stop replying to me? You’re constantly pestering me when all you do is whine and act like a 3 year old. Grow up, and then talk to me.

Also Tracer pistols have spread, and she can still oneclip supports at twice of Reaper’s range.