What is Ana's niche supposed to be?

Her current niche is free food for flankers, monkeys, and giant Korean mekas.

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A casual game mode that happens to have mmr. Not every QP game is a terrible comp, either. There are games with completely legitimate comps, though it might not be often. You don’t have to play comp to understand Ana’s kit and understand her weaknesses. They’re pretty blatantly obvious.

The problem is, her offensive ult doesn’t really work very well either.

It requires team coordination, which hardly happens. Even still, if the enemy team just kills Ana or someone uses their abilities without being nano’d, Ana never gets a real chance to use it.

Especially with Barriers becoming so prevalent now, ult charge doesn’t grow that quickly. It’s likely by the time everyone else gets their ult charge, Ana will have gotten her ult 2 times over at this point. It’s just way too much work playing Ana with little to no reward.

Yes, it hardly happens in QP, I agree.

You need to coordinate it through your voice, call outs, who to focus, who is gonna use ults, etc. If you have no Lucio, Ana is a shotcaller.

It’s hard to stop what you’re doing and just type everything out. There’s quite a few people who don’t have headphones let alone use voice coms.

That’s qp for you, lol.

This is exactly what I’m talking about. Her weaknesses are nullified by pressing the push to talk key and asking for help. I understand in QP and certain ranks that won’t work, but she’s a high skill floor hero, you can’t just play her at silver and own.

I agree so let’s look at her competitive stats in GM. Lowest pickrate
No other support has these weaknesses at any rank in the game. Again, what is the justification for Ana not being able to reliably heal chip damage?

It would be one thing if other healers needed to ask for healing after being grazed for 30 damage, but none of the rest do. If we’re talking about competitive let’s talk about competitive. In Gm she has had bottom tier win and pickrates for an extremely long time. She is supposed to be a main healer but on average doesn’t do anywhere near Mercy and Moira.

She has her niche of burst damage, single target burst healing and antiheal, but is that niche actually good? The answer to that is no.

Her niche has been pretty well lost over time Id say. She used to be the best tank healer since from far away she didn’t have to worry about the deathball vs deathball fights that dominated s3, on top of her huge burst potential. She’s now been outclassed as a healer, and her hard counters (flanker, snipers, dive tanks) all have a place in the meta far more than in her debut. She thrived because so little was viable, and in changing that she’s left without her niche.

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This wasn’t a question of her viability, I’m pretty sure OP was asking her niche, so I told you.

I am the OP. I did in fact question her viability.

I would encourage you to actually read the main post again.

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Counter a transcendence, easy. That’s why I usually pick her anyways.

If it were that easy then why does Zen have higher pickrate than Ana in every level of play and persist to stay in the meta while Ana has struggled for over a year?

That is her niche but that does not make her viable. We can see her pick and winrates. The last time you climbed with Ana competitively was months ago as you have admitted.

Her niche isn’t enough to make her viable.

Ana was much stronger before she got nerfed and Mercy 2.0 and Moria didn’t exist back then.


Yep, she’s been left behind by all the new additions and bad mechanics.

She is not great but the current Brigg Meta felt way nicer to play against than dive, Anti-nade counters Brigg I did say.

The word niche needs to be banished off of the forums. It’s literally the excuse for every underpowered hero. “they’re not underpowered they’re just niche”. It makes me salty.

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Simply put Ana NEEDS a healing passive of some sort to even come close to competing

Why pick Ana, when I can pick Mercy? I can’t miss my healing, I can undo kills, and I have mobility and survivablity out the butt

How about Ana and Moira existing in the same game?

Just doesn’t work in the game today.

Ana needs more than just her consistency bumped up

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I mean, all of those are dialed to the max, Ana can literally heal you from across de map as long as she has sight of you, her ult gives a ton of dmg and dmg reduction and nade is probably the most loaded skill in game

if you use nade on yourself because of chip damage… you’re using it wrong :S try at least waiting until you are half health, you heal 100 hp with it so anything under that is a waste, you also have sleep dart, it’s hard to hit but doing so will save you a lot more than what nade can

Can Mercy or Moira apply a healing debuff? how about cancel ultimates with a 12 cd skill? heal you across the map?

They can survive better but they don’t have Ana’s utility, that’s the point…