What is Ana's niche supposed to be?

Go above the checkpoint on first. The sight line is crazy, probably about 50m or so at the maximum. Ana is going to be very strong there.

That is barely her niche.

Her actual niche is being dived on by winston, dva, genji and tracer and picked off without being able to save herself.

Oh wait I forgot, if she can somehow manage to land that pin-head sized sleep dart on a massively mobile thin tracer or massively mobile deflecting genji then she can fight back.

Oh wait, that’s ridiculous “counterplay” that is so heavily AGAINST ana it’s ridiculous.



20 characters


Well, I literally just came across this situation:

Competitive down to defending a single point - if we defend we win, if they cap we lose. Enemy pharah had been wrecking us, everyone refused to do hitscan. Furthermore, everyone refused to play support. Because Pharah didn’t have a pocket mercy I was somehow able to shoot her a couple times between healing people frantically.

I have never played Ana in comp prior to this moment, but we won so… yay flexing i guess?

Good job! Ana is pretty effective against pharahs and many others, you do require a lot of aim to do so though but don’t let that discourage you, practice makes a great Ana and with it you’ll be soon able to cancel Reaper, McCree, Moira, Roadhog, Pharah and even soldier 76!

Ana is for support players who get bored with AoE and lock-on stuff and want to give themselves a technical challenge - which is a long-winded way of saying “throw pick”

lmao so who all read Geoff’s condescending post today? Ana’s got an advantage at long range, he says! Gee wiz! It’s a good thing for Ana that Moira doesn’t have a long range heal option! OH WAIT

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Ana’s healing debuff is also her only way to stay alive

Unless they change that her utility is lost

If you burn Sleep, that also leaves you wide open to being jumped since EVERY mobility ability in the game has a lower cooldown than 12 seconds

If Ana’s utility wasn’t tied up keeping you alive, then I could agree with out, but as it is, Ana NEEDS to burn it up just to get value.

THAT is the problem.

What they’re doing with the buffs doesn’t change that fact. Ana NEEDS a form of self healing to compete at this point since her utility is all tied up.

Imagine if Lucio couldn’t heal himself outside of amp? He still has utility, but is easy to kill. That’s what Ana’s problem is; Amazing utility that is wasted trying to stay alive when you can pick up the easier characters and do WAY more than Ana

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There are healthpacks around and sleep dart but you did mention that one… and Ana is often not the only healer, I would say that her utility warrants a bit of help from the other support

not wasted, more like gated, you can’t hand out that amount of power just like that, for example Brigitte is the only one capable of also cancelling ults, in exchange though she can’t do it from infinite range like Ana can. And as far as healing debuff well, that’s unique to Ana and it can also negate full ultimates

Lucio’s utility isn’t comparable to Ana’s, he can cancel some ults if he times it right but only if he uses his own, Ana can do that every 12 seconds

You also seem to overlook the fact that if you don’t focus Ana she will make your life a living hell, so you need to overextend to reach her and in the process waste time away from objectives and risk getting slept only for you to be wasting even more time

If Ana dies easily it’s because she misses her stuff or uses it at the wrong time

I’m not saying she doesn’t need help but increasing her survivability even further would be pretty crazy, specially with another selfheal

Like I would agree with you, but the simple problem is that Ana still even with Grenade, has the highest number of deaths of any support

Like we don’t want a huge healing passive; most people would be okay with 10 hp regained for healing a hurt teammate

Doesn’t make her better at not being jumped; she’s still weak to dive and burst

It’s just to keep her healthy between and after fights

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What if I told you that you could reach the same outcome with a different buff? like a vertical mobility buff, by giving her range you keep her safe from most characters, for example if she were to perch on one of the sniper spots that tracer can’t reach she would be heaps times more safe than on the floor where even reinhardt can target her

That’s my personal take on the situation but I can definitely see what you mean and I wouldn’t complain if they added something like that, every buff on Ana is well received

Her niche is anti-heal. It’s really the only reason to play her currently.

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Now you can’t heal your tanks or use antiheal on the enemy. All because Ana is the only healer who doesn’t have reliable self healing outside of a cooldown ability.

Try again.

you can’t heal your tanks? your shots heal every ally still, and having them hit is a greater number than having a mercy connected to you, now if you can’t aim yeah, you just need more practice.

Antiheal is powerful enough as it is, you don’t need to be applying everywhere all the time, that’s nuts, what you’re asking for is for Ana to become overbearing, being affected by nade is more than enough as it currently is

The gold is strong in this one.

Listen carefully. If Ana takes chip damage or in your words

And she has to use her grenade to heal herself then that means she cannot use the cooldown to save the tanks, or she cannot use the cooldown to use antiheal on enemies.

Imagine if Moira had no self healing and she had to use her orb to heal any damage she took. Imagine if Lucio, Mercy and Zen had no self regen and needed other healers or a cooldown to heal them.

No one is asking for Ana to become overbearing. She has one of the lowest winrates in the game because her kit isn’t good. The things that are supposed to be her strengths don’t operate that way in practice because of things like her being the only support who doesn’t have a form of self healing outside of a cooldown ability.

No it’s not. Go look up how much average healing Mercy does per game, how much average healing Moira does per game and how much average healing Ana does per game. In all ranks Ana heals less than those two despite all three of them being main healers. Ana’s healing values are more in line with Lucio.

Her niche is long range healing.

Is that niche enough to make her a good character or does she have lower healing potential and winrates than the other healers?

Depends what the meta is, if no dive characters were meta long range healing would be OP

Dive is only played in the highest ranks. Ana still has extremely low winrates in ranks outside of those. Even before dive appeared on ladder after Ana got her nerfs she was never statistically overperforming.

Long range healing is nice but she still heals in lower amounts than the other main healers and both Moira/Mercy have escapes if a lone flanker jumps on them.

People can’t hit their shots in low ranks.

People supposedly can’t aim and fill up Moira’s resource meter in the low ranks either but that’s not stopping her. Ana’s problems goes beyond “people can’t hit their shots”.