What if we remove Mercy’s Rez and buff her to make her more viable compared to other main healers (new skill idea)?

I know! But people are naive and scared of change. They often say that Rez shouldnt be taken away (because of various reasons, especially lorewise). In my case, I offered Divine Protection, because in essence is a different mechanic that can be really useful.

I’m getting real tired of “buff” abilities for heroes. Give her something thats more involved than do the same just more. Possibly a barrier for the target, press E and the target gets X temp shields that disolves over Y seconds on Z cooldown.

She needs something with R key while she has her staff equipped, any other ideas ?

Smacks opponents in the face for 40 damage.

Offensive/self defense ability. Like damage absorption transforms into healing output. Like Zarya, but instead of dealing damage, she deals extra percentage of heals.

So people that disagree with you are naive and scared of change huh? Mighty corrupt ideals you have there.

In all honesty, saying that my ideas are out of place, idiotic, senseless or absurd, takes my argument closer into a fact.

they can’t actually do that… having a character that’s very strong in one aspect and very weak in others means that people just pick them for that one specific aspect and ignore the rest of their kit this has happened multiple times over the last 3 yrs


I never said anything like that, I said to remove what a hero is is to remove that hero. Don’t make yourself out to be the victim. No one did anything to you, you’re just insulting people and backtracking to save face.

lol everytime ive said it people spammed “no it will destroy her personality”…

same why symmetra cannot get decent buffs… the turrets are holding her back.

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Care to offer a different approach or you already believe she is ok to be kept in the nerf zone?

This would be pretty cool. TBH you could probably make Valkyrie into a full-team Divine Intervention… say 60 HPS for 10 seconds for all allies, or 70 HPS if that’s too weak (a 10 second 60 HPS, though, without any LOS stipulations seems pretty strong)

I’m all for getting rid of Rez if it means we can scrap Valk and get her some more depth

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oh no believe me i want a change! just check my posts! but there was this great idea lemme see if i can find it

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What if you understand that Rez is Mercy? from a conceptual level that is, just like Turrets are sym and big shield is reinhardt

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and scatter arrow?

I’m not talking about you. Is not the first time I offer some ideas and get those gritty comments I said before. Don’t take it personal, friend.

and thats why we cant have nice things…

because people are obsessed with this autoaim turrets…

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This, to change a heroes identity is to change who they are fundamentally. Its like removing teleporter as its limiting symettra, sure it might be for the best in terms of her gameplay. But than is it really symettra when nothing remains of her but her model?

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what about it? scatter arrow was never Hanzo’s concept, in fact, Hanzo’s concept revolves around drawing arrows on his bow and possibly dragonstrike

he literally holds a scatter arrow on the main menu (he still does that btw) and he uses one in the cinematic

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