What if Sym was a support again?

This is a rough outline, so take it with a grain of salt-


Shes returned to the support category, obviously.

Her gun is reverted to the noodle beam with the damage lowered.


She gains 6 turrets again, but they do less damage, but have more health (maybe?). She can still launch them as they are now.

But, when she deploys them, she has the option to deploy either her regular ol’ turrets, orrrr she can deploy a healing turret that acts kinda like a Zen orb. It has miniscual healing and can be destroyed if aimed at. Reason why it has small healing is because, if she wanted to, she can deploy 5 of those orbs on her team, and its balanced out by the fact they can be destroyed and on a cooldown.

NEW WEAPON: Her gauntlet

Somewhat similar to Torbs scrap, whenever Syms turrets deal damage, or heal, it fills up a “Datum” bar that can be used to deploy several hardlight abilities when swapped to her second “weapon”, her gauntlet.

Ok, so with the gauntlet, think of it kinda like a Fortnite crafting sheet. Depending on the Datum she has, she can deploy a variety of things to support or aid her team.

And, these are all minor ideas, but I encourage Sym mains to add to it, but Datum would be able to:

-Deploy a “Mini” photon barrier. This would cost a medium amount of Datum.

-Create Hardlight “ramps” or “stairs” to allow her team to reach locations on higher areas.

-Shield generator. This would cost a high amount and supply maybe 50-75 shields? The range would be relatively low.


Old teleporter, with 6 teles once more.

Datum Amplifier. Amplifies the team with viskhar energy, reducing cooldowns of her entire teams abilities. Maybe by a second or two? This would include her own abilities, and she generates more datum from her passive. Also increases the range of her shield generator, possibly raising its power to generate 75? Idunno

And thats pretty much it. Like I said, its a rough idea, but this would make Sym a much more engaging support with several options to actually support instead of being a healbot


I’d love support Symmetra. I hope the “failed experiment” is the healing turrets that they said “didn’t work out” when they reworked Symmetra.

Your Datum idea sounds very interesting! Symmetra is a builder, after all. It would be great to have shield generator back too.


Junkrat hates this Idea

(Just saying it is a joke, this is a good idea)


Don’t go overboard.

Keep the support change simple.

Like just healing turrets and healing Teleporter

We don’t want to delete Sym and replace her with a clone again


Heck, as long as shes support again



You know… starting to think your more then appear.

I mean I can’t post 2 posts in the same topic like this that I own.

Pretty sure that’s a rule or something.

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But to focus on this idea of going back to Old Sym.

They pretty much confirmed this was impossible.

Like I thought would happen.

Apparently the data has become to corrupted with all the changes since. (Making going backwards impossible.)

And reworking from scratch would just end up costing more then actually might be worth.

Which I why I have said the Healing turrets and Healing teleporter focus instead.

Just trying to make Sym into a healer with what she currently has.

She will need healing, but then it probably won’t be Sym anymore.

I mean if we do it right, I think we can keep current Sym.

We just have to add healing to certain parts of her kit.

In a way it’s more an upgrade just a role change.

ref: (Sym) Healing Turrets and Healing Teleporter

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As stated before healing turrets do not work. This has been tested and proven. Forcing players to heal by using a TP will also not work.

She will need a rework, forcing healing into a DPS kit is too problematic.

You know this was more claimed, then proven.

So I don’t actually know, if I believe Jeff on that.

I mean, Moira’s Healing Orb is basically a Healing turret if you think about it.

So is alot of other similar mechanics, which have been used to great effect healing teammates.

So sorry, calling bull on that claim, till I see actual evidence.

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The developers themselves said they tried healing turrets on Sym and it did not work. What else do you need?

Implementing it is not the problem. It did not work in a practical use. Also an orb moves but a turret stays in one spot. They are not the same.

I want to try it myself. (been wanting to workshop it.)

Because when I hear “healing Turrets” don’t work.

I try to see how it wouldn’t,and don’t…

And unless someone messed up…

"healing turrets’ should work unless the player is a noob with his placements,

just as well as a noob with Moira’s healing orb and such other things.

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Here this should help:


According to the developers, healing turrets do not work because it was too awkward for a fast paced game like OW.

Orb work because it moves. Turrets stays in one spot and will need to constantly be redeployed.

That is out of the player’s control. They removed it for a reason.

repeating myself to two people here: (Sym) Healing Turrets and Healing Teleporter - #10 by Doomfish-11651

Why “redeployment” a problem. That answer makes no sense currently.

Sym is always on the move anyway. She is always putting down new turrets.

(I feel like this statement is from someone, who does not or has not play the current Sym.)

Likely before Taxi was a thing.

What if we, for the love of god and everything that is sacred, stop trying to wonder or make a rework happen … on the same hero that already had 2.

Theres only 2 things Developers are hardcore against:
MMR reset and reworks (including an MMR system rework)

Because you only have three of them and they have a lengthy cool down. Also Sym is strongest when she is not moving.

Redeployment is a problem because you are slowing down your whole team.

Are you trying to insult me? In fact what purpose does that statement have? Are you saying I am bad because me and even the devs disagree with you?

  1. We could just back to 6 turrets if we have to. (Sym is not the only hero to suffer “redeployment” issues either. Just look at Bapt’s Lamp)

  2. I am saying the “noob” dev that tested this, likely was testing Sym 2.0. (Who was more a DPS hero, who ended up being deleted into Oblivion.) And not the “current” Taxi version used by OWL. So likely wasn’t actually tested on the right version of Sym to test it on.

(Those turrets likely didn’t fly.)

I believe they tried it with six turrets during alpha or beta.

Well my mistake then, sorry for being harsh. However that dev was Geoff Goodman.

Source: https://gamnesia.nintendoenthusiast.com/blizzard-tried-giving-symmetra-healing-turrets/

We currently have moved her to Defense. We tried a healer version which had her turrets healing instead of dealing damage, but it felt super awkward, especially with how fast Overwatch moves. — Geoff Goodman

Also I would not recommend calling the devs “noobs”. It can get you in trouble on the forums. Mods might take it as an insult.

They were testing Sym 0.0 during alpha or beta. Sym was originally going to be a healer but they changed it. Due to being unable to give her healing.

I believe they did, they tried making it into a projectile but ran into the same problem.

The problem is not with Sym but the turret itself.