(Sym) Healing Turrets and Healing Teleporter

I assume you mean stacking which is true. I guess if it’s a relatively low heal like maybe 30 hp it would be okay without a CD and make it an okay dueling option like how some Symms use close range TP to tele back and forth sometimes.

Was saying Sacrificing your position but I was in a rush.

Honestly I would like the Teleporter to be something more…

But baby steps for right now.

I don’t think they should speed. Speed is Lucio’s thing and it would feel pretty bad if he lost the thing that made him unique

I mean OWL players already use Sym already like this for speed.

So your opinion is a little dated.

They tried to do healing turrets. Didn’t work.

Thing is that they don’t know how to design non healing support heroes. Players already suggested old Symmetra to have her teleport grant more shield hp when entering through it.

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I know I know but that’s only at the beginning of the game and with a 12 sec CD. Lucio can do it anytime he wants with no CD

Just answered this, so going to just copy over:

JS: "You know this was more claimed, then proven.

So I don’t actually know, if I believe Jeff on that.

I mean, Moira’s Healing Orb is basically a Healing turret if you think about it.

So is alot of other similar mechanics, which have been used to great effect healing teammates.

So sorry, calling bull on that claim, till I see actual evidence."

(White Snow) The developers themselves said they tried healing turrets on Sym and it did not work. What else do you need?

Implementing it is not the problem. It did not work in a practical use. Also an orb moves but a turret stays in one spot. They are not the same.

JS: "I want to try it myself. (been wanting to workshop it.)

Because when I hear “healing Turrets” don’t work.

I try to see how it wouldn’t,and don’t…

And unless someone messed up…

"healing turrets’ should work unless the player is a noob with his placements,

just as well as a noob with Moira’s healing orb and such other things."

It is not about the player, it is about the game. A player doesn’t magically make a turret work.

Even if you use it right you still slow down the team.

You could say this with any Support.

Not every support slows the team down.

The developers said the healing turrets didnt work. And I know probably why.
The turrets dont know when to stop healing. Like the damage, they only stop when either hacked by emp or out of range. The turrets probably arent smart enough to heal an ally to full, and move on to another target, or just stop healing.

Again, healing turrets were tested on the wrong version Sym as well.

Not the current Taxi version used in OWL.

But Sym 2.0 which joked about in OWL.

(Those turrets likely didn’t fly.)

Oof, yea I see a even bigger issue…

Maybe you need to see the turrets healing and more faster then the current DPS versions.

I know the problem. I’m just saying they’re incapable of designing non healing supports heroes.

It doesn’t matter what version it could be test on. It’s not meant for that hero at all with the designs that was intended for her. Shield support was the design, but they couldn’t understand what to do regardless of feedback that gave good suggestions to make it work.

I literally just don’t have faith with the developers from Overwatch. They think they know, but they don’t.

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Still question whose idea it was, to approve 8 Genji buffs. (Who was doing fine anyway.)

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I’m certain it was from someone from the inside and those who wanted Genji to be a bit more relevant than he already was. He’s a limelight child after all like Tracer. Did he truly needed buffs in some areas? Probably, but did he truly need it compared to other heroes who needs a buff to be better? Not at all.

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Just look at Brig, bye armor.

I dont know why so many people always gravitate toward healing turret when it comes to symm as support.

My Idea of “Support” not healer Symmetry

  • her gun is now replaced with a hardlight glove it can be forcused to an ally for reinforcement effect such as removing status effect like freeze,sleep,poinson,burn and anti heal.the glove can also give ally a faster reload and 20% CC resistant.

  • her m2 is a mini railgun that she charges for 4 second and has unlimited range, deals 190 dmg max.

  • Shift - she can create hardlight drones who follows a target for a set amount of time, this drone gives a healing over time but instead of a yellow healing its shield up to 75, the shield will stay for 10 second then it will decay overtime. 3 drones with 8 sec cooldown each
    When symm uses it for herself she is immune to CC and dmg for 5 second but will not gain any shield HP.

  • Her E is an amplifier construct, she creates a hardlight clock tower that boost cooldowns of all nearby allies, have 20 m range and last only for 10 second.

  • Her ult is called reality warper, she reverse the map design and creates a warping effect for 15 second, only the enemy team can see the changes.

My goal is to make her a support charcter who doesnt necessarry heal in a traditional way but gives reinforcement and buffing or enhancement ability.

She should have more turrets 4 5 or reduction cool down to be spamable, compete for off healers if RMB does not also heal to be dumpster like Zen now …