What if Sym’s gun held the ramp indefinitely

Sounds weird. I’m not sure how to feel about it. What if you die? What if you zap for half a second and then stop?

What if bad players get mad that Symmetra has become a juggernaut who insta kills everything and “can literally do everything by herself,” and then she gets sledgehammer nerfs until she’s not viable like every other hero who rubs the vocal minority the wrong way?

well first off what gameplay are you going for? i.e. what position will sym be? what will she be using/doing?

2ndly, you can’t give her much sustain at all because if you give her a lot she’d be oppressive by making her w+m1 a lot easier.

3rdly, you can give her range on orbs, but not on primary, and even then, you can only make orbs midranged because primary is intended to be closer ranged (need somewhere where she’s not good). But simply making orbs midranged isn’t enough because she’d still be heavily outclassed and shields will counter her easily. hence the need to make tp more frequent (angles, utility, getting areas where most heroes can’t get to, getting in midrange more often etc. the thing that sets her apart).

4thly, I never said every hero should be flankers. but sym defs goes the flanker route:

5thly, you’re implying that 3.0 will never work, yet she’s never been balanced properly before. more frequent tp like old 3.0 finite tp + actual midranged orbs to play like a midranged zoning semi-flanker which is still unique due to how she needs to combine tp+orbs+turrets for various strats whether to kill, zone or provide utility.

Can we just get this engraved on a little plaque and just post it in all future discussions about Sym? This snippet is just so on point and concise. I love it.

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Sym’s weapon needs to shoot unlimited range lasers.

An interesting idea I saw that rolls into her builder/architech concept was that she can use whatever ability to draw shapes that become solid. Such as a bridge across a gap that non-mobile heroes normally wouldn’t be able to cross without some work put in, a small low HP barrier in a rudimentary shape that could block damage or wall an enemy into a corner, etc.